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So Eduard, in response to your post, do you think the specs I quoted in my initial post would do the job for photo processing? Second question, how does it work for MS Office--is it free or one time purchase, etc.? Also how does the military discount work? Is it through Apple?
Thanks, Walt
Sent you a direct message due to length.
cindy, holy crap i just found out 3 members have recently died, Rocky, Fred and Brent, do we have a seperate forum for this, at least we can all pay our condolence there?
No although Marilynne has been announcing them. And their usernames reflect their passing. But perhaps a thread can be made in the Off Topic subforum to make them easier to find. Let me ask Marilynne what she thinks.
thanks, it would be nice to keep them in our thoughts.
@Roy1961 we are going to keep it the same as we've been doing it - posting a new thread in the Off Topic subforum for each member. So please check that forum once in a while for any new info on members passing.