The latest update about Bill16

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Happily retired
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I might try to take a selfy some time wearing these clothes, and post it.:)

My issue is my remote cable isn't really long enough. But later sometime I will give it a try anyway for you buddy! :)
The is a self-timer mode on most Nikon cameras... I know you have a tripod... So... like the Nike add says: Just DO IT. :)


Senior Member
They were all very nice to me and the preacher gave me a new Bible. All in all it went very well, and I will try to keep going to this church.:)


Senior Member
I have to admit, everyone welcomed me shaking my hand. The preacher spoke about my being saved, and the whole church clapped and cheered happy for me. I have never been to a church that was so inclusive and welcoming before, and so I will continue going and learning. It seems like a good way to learn how to deal with a group for me, one that is a positive.
@Blacktop thank you for the idea. I think it will continue to be helpful, as they are very willing to help me if they can.

I admit I was surprised the preacher gave me a new Bible, without charge. I had him sign it showing it was gifted to me.:)

This is the first time I have been to church since I was young, when I was treated badly. This church has made up for what that other church had done, and I will continue going to this church as long as I am treated so well.:D


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Michael J.

Senior Member
May god bless you Bill, and as well as your church. I am so happy you found something that makes you feel good

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Senior Member
Thank you Michael buddy! I admit to being surprised that I like this church. But it has turned out to be a very friendly group, and a good pick for my church needs!:)

May god bless you Bill, and as well as your church. I am so happy you found something that makes you feel good

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Senior Member
God is good Bill! I am glad you took the leap of faith. Keep you and your new Church in my prayers.


Senior Member
Make sure to go to the church functions. It will make you feel great to contribute. They will be a great place for you to photograph!

Happy to hear it's working out!


Senior Member
I will try since they have welcomed me so wonderfully.
I am curious how things will go from here on out, and see if I continue to fit in.:)

Make sure to go to the church functions. It will make you feel great to contribute. They will be a great place for you to photograph!

Happy to hear it's working out!


Senior Member
I will try since they have welcomed me so wonderfully.
I am curious how things will go from here on out, and see if I continue to fit in.:)

Church is a place where you can just "go" and vegetate in the back corner, counting down the minutes till it's over...........OR, it can be a place where you feel peace, feel apart of the community, feel closer to God, and kind of take a breath after a hard week of life LOL. I hope you can get something out of it Bill, but you may have to put something into it first.........some of your time and faith. As always, baby one is asking you to join a cult here, just be apart of a social setting and find some inner peace thru God's help. There is no perfect recipe here, everyone is different when it comes to religion. Give it a shot! Now, if they start bringing out snakes at the next service...........get out!!!!!! Just kidding. Happy for you Bill.


Senior Member
I just know I will get stuff out of going to this church. They are so kind, that you can feel it in the room. I am hoping I can offer my photography, so to share what I can with these good folks.
I want to give them that same feeling of caring welcoming as they have given me. Maybe I can with my photography, sharing the beauty I see with them.:)

Church is a place where you can just "go" and vegetate in the back corner, counting down the minutes till it's over...........OR, it can be a place where you feel peace, feel apart of the community, feel closer to God, and kind of take a breath after a hard week of life LOL. I hope you can get something out of it Bill, but you may have to put something into it first.........some of your time and faith. As always, baby one is asking you to join a cult here, just be apart of a social setting and find some inner peace thru God's help. There is no perfect recipe here, everyone is different when it comes to religion. Give it a shot! Now, if they start bringing out snakes at the next service...........get out!!!!!! Just kidding. Happy for you Bill.

Michael J.

Senior Member
The photos are a bit dark for my taste. I would like to see more church details

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Senior Member
Well I am having a strange night, with sleep eluding me so far. But getting less sleep one night won't kill me, and my mood is good which is always a big plus.:)


Senior Member
I think I will try to go to church both on Wednesdays and Sundays, if it continues to be so welcoming. I have never been made to feel so welcome before to any church before.

I am going to see if my photography can be a plus for the church somehow. I'm not a pro, but I can take good photos most of the time if I am not hurried. Especially if I am giving a list of requirements.

Portraits or group shots, though portraits I have more practice at. If I take a few shots, one is bound to turnout good enough to fit the need.


Staff member
Super Mod
Glad it went well for you the other day. :encouragement: When I was a kid, I attended Sunday School at a church where they rarely taught the Bible. Most of the Sunday School teachers didn't even know the kids' names. When I became an adult, my entire family switched churches. I'm still at the church I switched to, and it is completely different and so much better than the church I grew up in. It sounds like that church is a really good match for you! Enjoy!!!


Senior Member
I think this church is a good match for me. I am not looked down on for not tithing, and the preacher even gave me a new Bible. It seemed that all the people there made a special effort to welcome me without anybody directing them. So I couldn't ask for better treatment, and a nicer welcome.:)

So I am going to keep trying to go to church regularly, even though it will take time before I can be comfortable dealing with the people. It seems that it is worth the effort, and it will also please my phycologist.
So even though it will be hard for me, it will be good for me mentally in the long run to deal with groups of people.

Glad it went well for you the other day. :encouragement: When I was a kid, I attended Sunday School at a church where they rarely taught the Bible. Most of the Sunday School teachers didn't even know the kids' names. When I became an adult, my entire family switched churches. I'm still at the church I switched to, and it is completely different and so much better than the church I grew up in. It sounds like that church is a really good match for you! Enjoy!!!
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