Post your Insect shots

Carolina Photo Guy

Senior Member
Used Bug.jpg


Used Bug --Low Miles--Needs Minor Repairs

​Make Offer


Senior Member

Hello Brad,

Impressive work you got there! I deplore, however, that you pp them all in the
same way… and that is taking away the real nature look of it all.

some more little critters from this afternoons walk.

Caterpillar, very good.

Ant, your best shot but it has a lot more potential than this.

this little green fella was on one of my lychee trees.

1 & 2 are cool. Bad shadow on 3.

found this one on a plant beside the house.

Nice… too harsh light!

Have a good time!


Senior Member

Hello Brad,

Impressive work you got there! I deplore, however, that you pp them all in the
same way… and that is taking away the real nature look of it all.

​PP is one area that I really struggle with.

Caterpillar, very good.

Ant, your best shot but it has a lot more potential than this.

What can I do to make this one better ?

I was almost going to delete the ant shot. it wasnt very sharp out of the camera. I sharpened it as best I could in PP.

1 & 2 are cool. Bad shadow on 3.

The shadow I think is the top of the lens, I am just using the onboard flash, which is obviously not the best way, but all I have at the moment.

Nice… too harsh light!

Have a good time!

I would like to make one of those attachments to extend the flash and put a diffuser on the end of it, but I don't get much spare time.

​I will make improvements as I go, but it will take time.

Carolina Photo Guy

Senior Member
So many of my shots start out with, "I was on my way to get the paper when I saw THIS..."

Well, this morning was different!!!

I was on my way BACK from getting the paper when I saw this dew covered Luna Moth

waiting for the sun to come up and dry the wings.

Luna Moth.jpg

"Dew Covered Luna Moth"

(This bugs NOT for sale!)

