My name is _______ and I am overweight


Senior Member
Great job! I've lost a solid 2lbs in that same time period, lol. Just too much non-fun going on this summer. I need my daily donut and ice cream right now. Gotta get back to it after I use up my sugary treats inventory.


Senior Member
Finally crossed the 15 pound mark.

38 days 15.6 lbs .41 pounds a day is pretty good.

Rock on Don!

After our trip last weekend, my wife and I have started down a challenge to see who caves into sweets first. I also started bicycling again this morning.

You guys and gals on this thread are motivating me to take action as well!
Rock on Don!

I also started bicycling again this morning.

You guys and gals on this thread are motivating me to take action as well!

I think that is the next thing I want to start is biking. I really have to place to ride so I will be getting a stationary bike. The last thing I need is to have a wreck on a bike. I would be in the hospital for weeks. Now for the question I have been wondering...I have other health problems that really cut the numbers of exercises I can do but the stationary bike is one I could do. How much good would just this one exercise do for me?


Senior Member
I think that is the next thing I want to start is biking. I really have to place to ride so I will be getting a stationary bike. The last thing I need is to have a wreck on a bike. I would be in the hospital for weeks. Now for the question I have been wondering...I have other health problems that really cut the numbers of exercises I can do but the stationary bike is one I could do. How much good would just this one exercise do for me?

For me, biking is a great low-impact alternative to something like running. I can tell in my knees when it's been too long since I've been on the bike, and biking helps build up my knees without the jarring or impacts that running would do.

I bike with a heart rate monitor, so on days like today where my heart rate is higher I can dial down the intensity of my ride. I'll also set goals for different rides, be it distance, pace per mile, or heart rate zone which helps to change things up.


Senior Member
good to see this thread is still going, well done to all that are trying and losing some weight, i had a static 2 weeks there, stuck at 45 lbs, but this week i got another 2 off, so sitting at 47lbs now, not too long to reach the 50lb mark. The bike has certainly helped me, i am up to 22 miles on sat and sundays, getting easier all the time, i have been at my weight loss for 5 months now, i am at the stage were people are asking are you sick or losing a lot of weight. lol
even at a month I can tell that I do not get as hungry and that I can not eat as much before I get full. I think after a while the stomach shrinks.. At least that is what I am hopping.


Senior Member
Some people just don't have weight problem.
My brother has been 5' 11" and 135 pounds. Since getting out of the army in 1971. He's 65 now and still weight's 135. To be so lucky. He doesn't even do any exercise s. To be so lucky.

Sent from my Z987 using Tapatalk


Senior Member
Challenge Team
I will say that back in July when Don started this thread, I mentioned that I needed to lose some, like many others. I had actually half heartedly started to diet before the thread, but really became serious since the thread started. I stepped on the scale this morning to see that since I started I hit the first step in the journey. Twenty pounds lighter. Only about 16 or so more to go.

<Following said with tongue in cheek, in other words it's a big lie. Ha!>
Oh, and Don, when I got married I was 6' tall and weighed 160. After 45 years of marriage, I am now 5' 5" and weigh 250. I guess I shouldn't talk back to my wife and maybe she will quit hitting me on the head.
Just getting back from a 15 day trip to the great national parks of the west. I was afraid to step on the scales this morning since I really did not watch my diet that close on my trip. Eating out every meal and finding something that you want to eat is hard. To my surprise I had lost a little bit of weight over the last two weeks. A lot of that was my activity level was a lot greater while on vacation. Now that it is getting a little cooler I hope I can continue that trend.

Michael J.

Senior Member
That is a motivation for me now my dear friend Don. Soon I am planing to go to North of Thailand. So I think I will be stable about my weight there.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
Way to go [MENTION=6277]Don Kuykendall[/MENTION]! As long as it is going in the right direction, it's GOOD!