El Tranquilo's Fotos.

El Tranquilo

Senior Member
Caught these while having lunch.



El Tranquilo

Senior Member
Iglesia del Peñol. This church in Colombia is shaped like a nearby big rock monolith. Unfortunately, when I was there last month, I didn't get any really good pictures of the rock itself.

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El Tranquilo

Senior Member
Is there any place you haven't been? It's great that you get to travel a lot.


The list of places I want to go is humongous! When I see some of the photos here from from the American West, I feel like I need to buy a ticket and just spend six months exploring its grandeur!

El Tranquilo

Senior Member
I really enjoy your photos. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, Ted. Your antique car HDR series is incredible. Last night I tried to do the same treatment on some photos I took at the antique car parade during Medellin's Feria de las Flores. I eventually gave up when I realized that I couldn't compete with the HDR master.:cool:

El Tranquilo

Senior Member
Great shot that may even be nice in B&W. Have you tried it?

Thanks, Marcel. I did try it in B&W, but the B&W ended up looking too cluttered for my taste. I decided that the earthy tones were better suited to the look I wanted.

I looked at the B&W option after doing HDR. I probably should go back and try it on the original, unmodified shot.