DT's Project 365 for 2013

Day 127 (7/5/2013)

It was my wife's birthday, so I arranged to finish work about 30 mins early. At 5:30pm I was out the door and 10 minutes later I was at the train station. As soon as I got there I found my train (or so I thought) waiting for me at the platform; how lucky was I??? Unbeknownst to me this train was running express, bypassing my station and several stations after. It took me an hour to get back to my station.

Instead of being 30 mins earlier than usual, I was 30 mins late!
View attachment 35927

That will teach you to be thoughtful and loving to your better half.

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New member
Day 128 (8/5/2013)

Came across this on a walk back from a meeting today.
vertical garden.jpg


New member
Day 129 (9/5/2013)

Flat out at work at the moment. We're two weeks out from a site move which I've been planning for about 6 months.

Had about 30 seconds today to get a shot. This is the best I could do.


New member
Day 130 (10/05/2013)

My impulse buy of a bokeh kit arrived in the mail today. Tried a few variations but I think the star works the best.

One more to help me sleep.jpgstar bokeh.jpg


New member
Day 131 (11/05/2013)

We had our nephews stay with us for the weekend. This is 4 year old Simo. He has the most amazing blue eyes and I couldn't resist emphasizing them by de-saturating the rest of the shot.



New member
Day 132 (12/05/2013)

Took the kids for a walk this afternoon. We came across a front lawn which was 'littered' with toys, statues and numerous other objects. I believe the intention was to make the front lawn look like wonderland and my son wanted to explore it a little more. All I could think about was Hansel and Gretel heading into the gingerbread house, and almost eaten!

Needless to say we had a very lengthy conversation on 'stranger danger' soon afterward.

"Mad Hatters Tea Party"
Mad hatters tea party.jpgwonderland.jpg


New member
Day 134 (14/05/2013)

On my way home from work, I came across this rainbow. In fact it was a complete 180 degree arc which I just had to capture. By the time I had my camera out of my backpack though, it had dwindled to only one side visible.


New member
Day 135 (15/05/2013)

I went for my usual lunchtime stroll and thought I'd go through the Royal Arcade which I haven't been in for years.
Royal Arcade 2.jpg
Royal Arcade 3.jpg


Senior Member
Every image is just one really interesting creative exercise after another....really nice work all around. I'll have to go back in the thread a bit more to see what I missed.


New member
Day 136

I've been so busy with work lately, and the impending office relocation that I haven't had time to really switch off. I've found I'm coming home more and more stressed each day.

This is a photo of me staring out of my current office window and taking a much needed breath!

One week to go.


New member
Day 137

We've been trying to reduce our son's afternoon sleep as he has been waking up in the middle of the night. He didn't have a sleep all day, so he ended up passing out on the couch about two hours earlier than his bed time.

My wife's belated mother's day present arrived today. I didn't know what to get her so I arranged two photos to be printed onto canvas an mounted. This is the first time I have had any of my photos mounted on a wall. I like seeing them printed and not on a screen. I may have to do a few more.
My first canvas.jpg


New member
Day 138

I spent several hours trying to get this to work. Unfortunately, many tears later, this is the best I could do.

Bowl o' bokeh
bowl o' bokeh.jpg

Bokeh bubbles
blowing bokeh.jpg


New member
Day 140

This is an alleyway near my new offices. It is always being photographed by tourists, posing and the like, but I managed to get it when most civilized people are still in bed!
Urban art alleyway.jpg


New member
Day 142

This is a shot as I was leaving the new offices for the evening. I wanted to get a shot of the street lights but as I was shooting through a window and kept getting the reflection of the opposite side of the street.

In the end I didn't mind the reflection.
street reflections.jpg