DT's Project 365 for 2013


Senior Member
You have such an interesting view through your lens and I really enjoy your posts so I hope you can keep it up. Day 163 looks like an ad for a spooky movie and so creative. I really like it and also really like your son on the couch but your buildings etc are so interesting. The high contrast just keeps drawing me back to look again


New member
You have such an interesting view through your lens and I really enjoy your posts so I hope you can keep it up. Day 163 looks like an ad for a spooky movie and so creative. I really like it and also really like your son on the couch but your buildings etc are so interesting. The high contrast just keeps drawing me back to look again

Thank you so much. I'm sorry I haven't been participating recently. I am heading overseas in a couple days so I can't even promise I will be able to get access to the forum whilst away, but I will make a bigger effort to participate more when I return.


New member
Day 173

As part of our overseas holiday, we will be visiting my wife's grandmother. We thought it would be nice to take and print a photo of all her grandchildren together. This is the best of around 200 shots!


New member
Where are you going? And we do expect to see some great photos.

Hi Don,

We are flying to see my wife's family in Serbia, with a couple days in Germany. Hoping to get a few days in Italy to see my family but doubtful. Its pretty rural where we're staying so not sure of the internet situation. I do not want to upload 6 weeks worth on my return!


Senior Member
Thank you so much. I'm sorry I haven't been participating recently. I am heading overseas in a couple days so I can't even promise I will be able to get access to the forum whilst away, but I will make a bigger effort to participate more when I return.

Dave, it is NOT the Quantity... but the Quality that matters and you never let us down! Enjoy your vacation!

Pat in NH


Staff member
Super Mod
Day 173

As part of our overseas holiday, we will be visiting my wife's grandmother. We thought it would be nice to take and print a photo of all her grandchildren together. This is the best of around 200 shots!
View attachment 41797

The guy at the right doesn't seem happy to have his picture taken, but after around 200 shots, I wouldn't be happy either. Have a great vacation.


New member
Day 176

Thought this was interesting enough to warrant a quick snap. Didn't take anything better so this is what I am presenting tonight.


New member
Day 177

​Lately I've been leaving for work when its still dark out; a thin layer of ice covering everything. This is the roof of my car.

If any of the neighbours saw me taking a photo of the roof of my car, I think they would be a little concerned :)



New member
Day 178
Its finally arrived. The day of the European holiday is upon us. Spent the day running around performing errands and didn't get a decent shot all day. This is what it looked like from the departure lounge.

Apologies for the mobile phone shot.
departure lounge.jpg


New member
Day 179

This shot was taken about 25 hours after we left. Poor Alex did it tough this trip so his Grandfather tried holding him and rocked him to sleep.

​Anyone who has traveled Emirates Airlines and has stopped in Dubai would attest to the worst part being the buses. When you disembark the plane, there is a bus waiting to take you to the terminal. Unfortunately there is not enough room to get everyone on the same bus so if you miss out, you wait for the next bus. Once on, you are packed in like sardines and drive 30 mins to the first terminal where most people disembark. There's no announcement about the terminal, who should get off, which airlines use which terminal etc.Needless to say, we got off at the first terminal, only to find out that our plane was at the second terminal. There began another hour of waiting for another bus to take us to the correct terminal.
Dubai Airport.jpg


New member
Day 180

We landed yesterday about midday at Belgrade airport. From there it was a short two hour drive to where we were staying. By the time we arrived, I was so fried that I couldn't keep my eyes open, let alone hold a camera.

This is my wife's grandmother's house in Serbia where we are staying.
Serbia D2-1.jpgSerbia D2-2.jpg


New member
Day 181
It was overcast and raining for most of the day, but at one stage it cleared up and I managed to get the wife and kids to go for a walk.

My eldest decided to take his brother's hand and lead him further up the path. It lasted all of 5 seconds but at least I captured the moment somewhat.

​This is Alex just taking a break and soaking up the rays.
Serbia d3.jpg


New member
Day 182

It was a beautiful sunny day today. Ever since arriving I have been waiting for a day like this to capture this scene. After taking over 300 shots, I couldn't decide which one I preferred, so I've uploaded both.
Corn field.jpg
Corn Field 2.jpg