CWGRIZZ Playing Around--Trying to learn


Senior Member
walt, i think your osprey is a red tail hawk? the osprey have a white head with a brown flash behind the eye.


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You're right @Roy1961. I am really not much of a bird person, so I usually just flip a coin and guess. Ha! Osprey, Hawk, and Bird are all interchangeable for me. :rolleyes: The only real birds that I can always identify are the local dove and quail in hunting season, buzzards and crows. ::what::


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Merlin says this bird is a Loggerhead Shrike. I will take his word for it. Ha!




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Thanks Blacktop. I get lucky once in a while. This bird kept hopping away, but staying at what I consider to be a fairly close distance. It acted like it may have had a nest nearby and was trying to protect it by moving slowly away.


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A mountain scene from my yard back in Feb. I originally didn't like it, but after a little work on it using GIMP (see Post Processing, Before and After thread), I feel it is now OK. Ha!



Senior Member
Walt, if memory serves me correct @Marilynne ?? sent me a link to record sightings of the Loggerhead Shrike, i think it was on the east coast, new york maybe??? i think i may have the address stored on my laptop if your are interested?


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Walt, if memory serves me correct @Marilynne ?? sent me a link to record sightings of the Loggerhead Shrike, i think it was on the east coast, new york maybe??? i think i may have the address stored on my laptop if your are interested?

I don't recall doing that Roy, but if I did, it was for banded ones.

I just did a search and there are a lot of places to report banded shrikes.


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Walt, if memory serves me correct @Marilynne ?? sent me a link to record sightings of the Loggerhead Shrike, i think it was on the east coast, new york maybe??? i think i may have the address stored on my laptop if your are interested?

I found this site, doesn't say anything about the shrike being banded, so you can report your sighting here Walt - Loggerhead Shrike Sightings, Locations, Photos and Dates

Not being in the realm of "Bird Watchers" or a bird aficionado, is the Loggerhead Shrike something special to see? I did tell Merlin (Cornell U) of the sighting when I looked at their APP to identify the bird. I will check out this site also and report it there.


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I haven't really had great results lately on shots (lazy or lacking opportunity?).

It was foggy this AM and I wanted to see what results I would have. The fog was lifting after I started my walk. I liked the look of the sky and how the fog was still partially covering the mountains in the distance. I did find that my sensor needed some cleaning, but GIMP took care of that for now. Ha!!



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This little feather with water droplets just begged to see if I could get a "sharp" shot (Nifty Fifty-35mm crop sensor).
