Way off topic! lol :)


Senior Member
Ok , to cut right to the point. I'm a smoker and have been for decades, but my wife has quit due to her illness. So I'm stuck worrying about my smoking, not wanting to make it hard on her to be around me and her cravings to start back up herself. So I'm looking into the vapor type things and was wondering if any of you use them and your opinion of them.

From a quick call it looks like they are a lot cheaper for the equivalent amount, and much safer too since they aren't on fire! Lol :D
And no, before you ask, quitting smoking is not something I'm willing to do. Well not at this point anyway.

I would really appreciate your opinions. :)

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Well, when you say, "vapor type thing" do you mean e-cigs or are you referring to an "herbal vaporizer" you put raw tobacco in and burn?

/ex-smoker (twice!)
//just give 'em up...
///had to be said...


Senior Member
E-cigs. I just now looked it up to figure out what they are called. Lol
From what I've been reading about them, they are slightly better for you than tobacco without the smell and cheaper. Though the long term effects are still unknown. My interest is mainly for my wife's sake, so she doesn't get the craving back and doesn't have to smell smoke in the house or on me all the time.

Though I admit the cheaper cost is a serious plus. :)


Senior Member
I don't know much about the e-cig thing. But it sounds like your heart is in the right place. I would try it and see if it helps your wife and as a side benefit, it might help you too. ;)


Senior Member
Yep, I started "vaping" about 2 weeks ago. I have had maybe 5 cigs since then. I like it. I can sit in my chair in the evenings and "vape" in the house while watching Shark Week/Shark Fest. LOL!

I use a Vamo V5 mod (the main unit that has the controls and houses the battery), and I use an Aspire Nautilus tank (that holds the "wick/coil" and the fluid. As a matter of fact, I am sitting in my office right now as I type this using it. There are so many different flavors (and companies producing them) that it would be impossible to list them all. They also come in graduating nicotine strengths so you can ween yourself off of the nicotine. A few of the local shops here (and there are a BUNCH of them now) have areas where they will let you test their inventory with sample flavor tanks and mods. (Your more "full service" shops should have this feature available). The variable power mods allow you to control the "intensity" of the vapor, and the particular tank that I am using (the Nautilus) has a ring on it that allows you to control the amount of air flow that you get when you draw. The setup that I am using requires the least amount of maintenance. It is modular, so when the coil is used up, I don't have to do anything but pop in another one.

The only smell for bystanders is a bit of whatever flavor that you are "vaping". Right now, mine favorite is "Straight Grape". Tastes like grape soda. Other flavors that I have are a banana/strawberry mix, a cherry cola, a sour green apple Jolly Rancher, and a strawberries and cream mix.


Senior Member
Thanks for the info! I guess I better not just buy the first one I run across with all those different types and flavors! Lol
I'd likely just want to find a tobacco like flavor at first I guess. If I try it I'll likely just get a small kit to try, until I'm sure it will work well enough that I don't need regular cigarettes. :)


Senior Member
I did not like the tobacco flavored juices. They were pretty gross, at least to me. But you have the right idea in going to a shop to try them out. A good shop should be able to get you the device that you want also, and they should have a good selection of them in stock.

And a warning, as I mentioned there are different strengths of nicotine that you can get in the juices. 24 is the strongest. If you are used to smoking full flavor cigs (as opposed to lights), and you decide that you want/need the 24 strength, be careful not to try to pull the same kind of full drag/lung hit on an e-cig that you do/did on a regular cig. I had to tone down my drag quite a bit, and I still get the same effect that I get from a cig, including the exhaled vapor. First time I really pulled on an e-cig, with just a 12 strength juice, I was light-headed after that drag. LOL. And as far as the physical "habit" portion of smoking, you get that same actions/motions as smoking except for ashing, lighting, and putting out the cig. And you and your clothes don't stink.


Senior Member
I currently smoke about 6 cartons of full flavor 100s a month. I have no clue what flavor will work for me. My favorite flavor of cigarettes was either camels or natives all naturals. Never did like menthol flavors.
I can only hope they have samples, or it may take much longer to switch over to e-cigs. :(


Senior Member
The opposite way around has happened in the past to a friend of mine & his wife. Unfortunately smoking has several habits that need kicking, the hit, the need of the drug, but mostly the habit of holding & smoking something & the occasion of the act. I'm afraid that unless you kick the habit entirely, you are not likely to help her. I'm sorry that it's not what you wanted to hear. Truly.


Senior Member
3 years ago I tried e-cigs. From the first day on I did not have any cigarettes for a whole year. Then for some unknown reason that I'm still kicking myself for, I had a cigarette. Then two then three...etc. Now I'm almost up to 2 packs a day again, and this time the e-cigs don't seem to work.

If you are going to start on e-cigs and quit smoking, one piece of advice. STAY quit and don't start again!! Second time will be way harder to stop.


Senior Member
Quit "cold turkey" by putting what you would normally spend each day into a jar (glass so you can see it building up) and in no time you will have your new camera.

I must warn you the second day is the hardest and once through that you NEVER want to go through those particular 24 hours again so you will either give up for good and get that camera or go back to smoking forever and have about $5.00 in your jar.

I quit "cold turkey" in 1981. …
And now have a camera. :D


Senior Member
I tried this but without the jar showing the money. I quit before going to bed, and was smoking again just over an hour after I woke up. This idea really appeals to me, but I'm lacking the willpower to accomplish it. Sigh.........

Quit "cold turkey" by putting what you would normally spend each day into a jar (glass so you can see it building up) and in no time you will have your new camera.

I must warn you the second day is the hardest and once through that you NEVER want to go through those particular 24 hours again so you will either give up for good and get that camera or go back to smoking forever and have about $5.00 in your jar.

I quit "cold turkey" in 1981. …
And now have a camera. :D


Senior Member
PS. I buy my cigarettes by the month at about $31.00 a carton, so just under $200.00 dollars a month. But I must admit they are getting harder to get at that price, since the store is having issues getting the native all naturals 100s. So even the price issues are pushing me to make a switch to e-cigs or quit. If I had the willpower I'd prefer to quit and use the money for more important things, even if I couldn't use it for new photography gear(like a fx Nikon).


Senior Member
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day that's 35 dollars a week, you would need to stay quit for about 35 weeks only to be able to afford a 1200 dollar refurb D700. That is just a little over 8 months.
If you start now, you could be the proud owner of a D700 by next spring.

You could also start a new 365 thread. Every day take a picture of your jar with all the 5 dollar bills in it ,and we can follow along and see how much it's growing.


Senior Member
I find that when I take on something that seems so monumental it is easier to break it up into small pieces. Take a photo a day for a year! One day at a time.
Stop smoking FOREVER - smaller pieces …
Hey I just survived another minute …
thats an hour already.
If you can survive a couple of hours in a plane then you can survive - period.
Go sleep and 8 hours are gone - that's 8 hours closer to that FX. Whoo hooooo …. only a few more sleeps.


Senior Member
Well I have until the 3rd of next month to make a decision. This is very hard, and I will likely have to use any money saved to help pay for my beloved's medical bills. Even I have to try to be practical now. No new Nikon's in my near future.


Senior Member
On another note. And I don't mean to hurt your feelings Bill. But, with you smoking anything right now when she has just quit you are making it tougher on her. Unless you plan to do it away from her sight. I know how hard it is to quit. I was a two pack a day man for 25 years. I quit 14 years ago.