The latest update about Bill16

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Senior Member
Today I got lucky and bought my much needed microwave! It is a 1.9 cubic feet and 1140 watts I believe, so it should handle all my microwave needs! The cost was $279.99 but I got it on sale for $199.00 and saved $80.00! I recieved the money from insurance over paid on one of her debts and I recieved the overage.:)

Now I just need to sell some stuff to cover tags,taxes, and licence before August and I should squeek by this year. Next year the tax returns should cover tags and taxes, I think/hope. Same for the year after if things work out right.:)

After that I hope the truck will be paid off, and I will have $220.00 more available per month, and then I will be able to beath again with relief!:)

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
I am surprised the apartment doesn't have a stove and fridge. Usually, those things are already there.
Stove usually stays with the house. You can sell the fridge if the apartment has one.


Senior Member
My stove and fridge are better than what is there, so I asked if I could bring mine. They were fine with putting their's in storage, and so I can use mine. Selling either of them isn't really an option I can choose. I either leave them here in the house, or take and use them.

I am surprised the apartment doesn't have a stove and fridge. Usually, those things are already there.
Stove usually stays with the house. You can sell the fridge if the apartment has one.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
My stove and fridge are better than what is there, so I asked if I could bring mine. They were fine with putting their's in storage, and so I can use mine. Selling either of them isn't really an option I can choose. I either leave them here in the house, or take and use them.

Sounds like a good plan to me. Most of the apartments I lived in had Hotpoint stoves. They were usually, 'eh.'


Senior Member
Well I am starting to get nervous the last day or so. It is because I have my first group therapy coming up pretty soon. But it is something I have to do to help me figh against my agorophobia. It is just a start, and I don't want to even guess what I might have to go through further down the road in my treatment.
Anyway on the day after my wife's birthday I go to group. The timing sucks, but it wasn't done on purpose, and I doubt my councilor even realizes when my wife's birthday was. The big job I have to do on this first group I think is to stay there for the whole hour, even if I feel the need to leave/escape. At least I don't have to go anywhere new to go to group, which helps quite a bit, or at least I think it should.

If I make it ok on this first group, then I will be signed up for the group, going once every month for an hour.


Senior Member
I have a glass top stove, that works great. It is a Kitchen Aid brand, which surprised me when I first saw it. I didn't know Kitchem Aid made any big appliances like stoves.:)

The fridge is Maytag as is the washer and dryer, so I think they should work and hold up well for me. The new microwave is a GE, and I hope that brand holds up really well too.

Sounds like a good plan to me. Most of the apartments I lived in had Hotpoint stoves. They were usually, 'eh.'


Senior Member
Challenge Team
Good luck with you new place. One thing you need to think about is Renter's Insurance to cover your belongings in the apartment. It is one of the most reasonable insurances you can buy. I have seen first hand what happens to people living in an apartment that burns or gets destroyed by something else. Without renter's insurance they get nothing for their loss of belongings.

Also make sure your lease/inspection agreement states that the appliances are yours. Rental properties can change management and if it is not written down, it can be a fight later.

Again good luck on your new life moving forward.


Staff member
Super Mod
Good luck with your move. And keep in mind that the hour sitting in your group meeting will pass even though the time may move slower than molasses. ;)

Be sure to get something in writing about the appliances they will remove from your apartment. In the event that the management changes before you ever move out, you will have proof the appliances were removed by the staff.


Senior Member
I will try to get the appliance change in writing, when I sign lease.:) Thanks my friends for the good advice!:D


Senior Member
I wish you nothing but the best of luck in this next phase of your life.

Good luck with the group session, going anywhere new for the first time is the worst, so if you follow harks advice and "And keep in mind that the hour sitting in your group meeting will pass even though the time may move slower than molasses." you might find the next group session easier. (fingers crossed)

Just think that this group may help with your photography ambitions too... if it helps you cope with your condition, you might find you can go out shooting more, and to different places too.

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