The latest update about Bill16

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Senior Member
I have some good news so far about the lady in the army I mentioned earlier. She finds that I seem to be right for her so far. Her name is Deb and I am also finding that she seems right for me too.:)
I personally believe my wife found her for me to fill the emptiness, as Deb fits what I firmly believe she would choose for me.
I know this sounds silly, but I am believing Anice put Deb and I together, for us to go from there.
By the way Deb knows the pros and cons I have and still feels that I am who she is looking for to be the man of her life. So we will continue to get to know each other better and better as time goes by.

I will update you my friends when anything changes enough to be worth mentioning.:)


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Super Mod
I sincerely hope things will work out--at least just be friends to start out and get to know one another. :) So how did you meet her? Through church? If you've only communicated via online, I'd be very cautious. There are a number of unscrupulous people out there waiting to take advantage of people. Just wondering if you've met her in person.


Senior Member
Just on line, and now mostly emails. But I don't give nor take on line, just the same as I did with my late wife my friend. I am just getting to know each other pretty much. Though we both have been pleased so far with what we have learned.

I have a year lease so I'm not going anywhere for months. And I'm not rushing to meet. I am fine talking for some months, getting closer to each other.:)

I sincerely hope things will work out--at least just be friends to start out and get to know one another. :) So how did you meet her? Through church? If you've only communicated via online, I'd be very cautious. There are a number of unscrupulous people out there waiting to take advantage of people. Just wondering if you've met her in person.


Senior Member
Bill, you've been thru a lot recently.......and I am in no way trying to nose into your business, but just don't fall too hard for another women too quickly. At least not until you are comfortable with your own intentions. Trying to fill that void may take some don't be afraid to put on the brakes and just enjoy a "friend" of the opposite sex for now. I am sorry for speaking out of turn, I just would hate to see you get caught up in something that may not be what you want, or need, at this point in time. I am happy for you though..........a good woman, friend or more, is a very good thing!

edit: Just saw your response to hark........and I think you are approaching this the right way. No need to rush!
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Senior Member
Thanks buddy! I tried to smile a little and show a little more of my body for the lady Deb I am getting to know. I like to be honest and I am overweight! Lol

Bill, I like your latest portrait better than the first lot. You seem more at ease in front of the camera.


Senior Member
Well today I joined Facebook for the heck of it I If anybody wants to I would welcome friendships once I figure out how to accept them!lol :)


New member
I don't know the history Bill16, but I can see that you've obviously gone through a dark patch in your life. Judging by the responses here, you have a lot of supporting well wishers. I too wish you all the very best from the UK.:encouragement:


Senior Member
Thank you very much! I hope you will except my friendship request. :)

I don't know the history Bill16, but I can see that you've obviously gone through a dark patch in your life. Judging by the responses here, you have a lot of supporting well wishers. I too wish you all the very best from the UK.:encouragement:


New member
Thanks for the request Bill, more than happy to accept. There are some fantastic people on this forum, and I'm pleased to be part of it.Thanks again.


Senior Member
Internet friends are the best. They don't ask you to come over and help lug furniture up the stairs on a Sunday afternoon.

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