Rough Road ahead....


Senior Member
Pat best wishes for a good outcome for your wife. I will be thinking of you & your wife. Sending positive thoughts & vibes your way.


Senior Member
Very sorry to read this. A couple members of my family have fought very rare GI cancers that seemed to come out of nowhere. I know from their experience that statistics are simply that. An aunt, my mother and father defied all odds by the grace of God and medical science. So I am a big believer in miracles and a positive state of mind. You are both in my thoughts.


Senior Member
Very sorry to read this. A couple members of my family have fought very rare GI cancers that seemed to come out of nowhere. I know from their experience that statistics are simply that. An aunt, my mother and father defied all odds by the grace of God and medical science. So I am a big believer in miracles and a positive state of mind. You are both in my thoughts.

Thank you for the words of encouragement... we are not following stats, we plan to fight, absorb all the positive energy, thoughts and prayers and give it Hell! Our state of mind is good and we know positive does more than negative!

Pat in GA


Senior Member
Hi Everyone,
It is not a good time here in the South... Upon returning from our Vacation, my wife Lyn had been a little ill and mentioned this to her doctor. After a couple scans and tests, we were informed just over a month ago that she has stomach cancer. Needless to say it was a shock to all of us. When the biopsy results came back it signet ring cell carcinoma. Do not bother to look it up, it does not read well!! Rare and Aggressive, we have not been known to do things half ass! :)

Anyway, a month later.... she is ready to begin treatments next week.... We are pleased that no other scans have shown migration out of the stomach... so far... She had a Pet Scan yesterday which will be the definitive report on that and we get the results tomorrow.

Presently, she begins Chemo Tuesday... 3 rounds (each 3 weeks) of 3 different drugs. Two will be given at the start of the round, the 3rd will be via pump 24/7 for the entire 3 weeks..... Then start over another round. At the end of the 3 rounds we will go to Atlanta for surgery (Stomach Resection) and after a short recovery begin another 9 weeks (3 rounds) of aggressive Chemo.

It is a tough road we are facing but she is a tough lady that is ready to fight, and I am ready to fight with and support her!

Not looking for sympathy, you all are my friends and I want you to know where we are at in this journey as I likely will not be traveling until this is over and she has Won The Fight!! (Positive Attitudes here!!!!!) It has also limited my time (and to some extent desire) to go picture taking though I am trying hard to get back into that more to keep me out and active..

Thanks all for letting me run on...
Pat in Savannah

Ok, status Update.... I previously mentioned the Petscan... the purpose was to see if it had spread to her abdominal cavity especially since we know it breached the stomach wall... GREAT NEWS, cavity was clean... they did spot some suspicious stuff on her lungs so we added a biopsy of that when they put the port in on Monday. Review was scheduled for Thursday, yesterday and if all good we would go right into Chemo.

More GOOD NEWS... Biopsy negative... all of the above translates into we have a good possibility that it is all contained within the stomach. They took us right down the hold for Round 1!!!

Finally, treatment in progress and we (in our mind anyway) a reasonably good prognosis...

Again, thanks all for your Support, Well Wishes and Prayers...

Pat & Lyn in Savannah GA


Senior Member
Challenge Team
It is so good to hear the positive report. You and your wife are in my prayers. Praying for healing and peace.


Senior Member
Thanks for the very encouraging update Pat. Very good news for Lyn & you. More positive vibes & good thoughts sent your way. We are here for both of you.


Senior Member
Damn Pat........I know you and your wife, especially, were sweating some awfully big bullets there..........but I join the others in saying, "GREAT NEWS"! Now, go out an celebrate:)


Senior Member
Thanks all for the kind words and Positive Vibes from the latest news... It is still going to be a fight and tough one at that... But we both are thrilled that as of today there is no evidence of being elsewhere...

The odds of beating this are much greater with that news and cautious optimism is flowing through us at this time...
Everyone thoughts and prayers along with our "Team" will get us to the victory we need...

I cannot thank you enough...

Pat in GA