realuvsdolphins 365 of 2015


Senior Member
I am in!!

Day #1


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Moab Man

Senior Member
Good luck with this. The first 30 days is easy. Then it becomes a challenge, but with that challenge your photography will certainly grow.


Senior Member
Good luck with this. The first 30 days is easy. Then it becomes a challenge, but with that challenge your photography will certainly grow.

Thank you! Im up for the challenge and need lots and lots of practice. I don't have many people wiling to help me so it's pretty much online tutorials and the wonderful support from all of you here at nikonites. I truly appreciate each and everyone's time.

Moab Man

Senior Member
Thank you! Im up for the challenge and need lots and lots of practice. I don't have many people wiling to help me so it's pretty much online tutorials and the wonderful support from all of you here at nikonites. I truly appreciate each and everyone's time.

Feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help out where I can.

Moab Man

Senior Member
It can be. (also on youtube) has a lot of great videos. He also sells a photoshop 101, 201 that is really good for beginners. You can buy the two as a pair for cheaper and do a search online for a discount code. It is money well spent and I find video is easier to learn from.


Senior Member
Day 2: This is my friend Keith. He is married to my best friend Elizabeth. We were just hanging out and having a great time. He had no problem smiling for the camera.


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Senior Member
Good start Rachelle :D Good luck as you go thru the year. Happy to help out if you get stuck ( I found some great inspiration & ideas last year, so happy to share if needed)...and don't feel bad if you have to post up crap shots coz you had a bad day ;)


Senior Member
Day 3: Talk about one healthy pizza!! Mary, sure can cook some pizza's. This pizza tasted just as amazing as it looks!!!


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Senior Member
@Vixen, I will definitely be looking forward to hearing about some of those ideas!! I think it's going to be difficult at times but I know it will definitely give me the practice I need. :)