Protecting yourself


Senior Member
This is my true pride and joy. It's a very special Glock. You won't see many like it.


Well, I'm a newbie here so my opinion doesn't really count anyway but I must admit that discussions like that do make me feel very uneasy and stir up lots of negative emotions.
As I could read here once again it's not just the need for protection that motivates people to own a weapon and even carry it in public.
I just don't want to be among people who have this mindset - so even though this is a photography forum - after reading this thread I'm quitely out the door since I can't unlearn what I just read here - especially if it involves moderators who simply lost all my respect from this point on.
Since I'm new it's easy to be honest - there are no existing friends I may upset with my statement. If I would be a long time member here I might have choosen not to say anything just to keep the peace but as a hint - I might not be the only one who's upset by this thread.

p.s.: in the very short time I was here I did get very useful advise from long time members - so thank you for sharing your expertise with a newbee without making me feel like one.

I am sorry that you feel this way. I can understand that since you live in Germany that you have different views than we do (Or at least the ones of us who live in the USA.) No one here has tried to force their views on anyone else or put down anyone because of the beliefs either.

I happen to enjoy my guns and do a lot of target shooting with my son who is x-army. Been great bonding time sharing a hobby that we can both enjoy. My wife actually joins us and enjoys shooting also. It is just a hobby just like our photography.
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Rick M

Senior Member
I just don't want to be among people who have this mindset - so even though this is a photography forum - after reading this thread I'm quitely out the door since I can't unlearn what I just read here - especially if it involves moderators who simply lost all my respect from this point on.

It's unfortunate you can't have respect for others just because they don't think as you do. Diversity of thought and opinion is a good thing, in my opinion :). There are many people I don't agree with, yet I still respect them.


Senior Member
Since I'm new it's easy to be honest - there are no existing friends I may upset with my statement. If I would be a long time member here I might have choosen not to say anything just to keep the peace but as a hint - I might not be the only one who's upset by this thread.

What he said.

Steve B

Senior Member
When I started this thread I made the following comment "I realize this really only applies to those of us in the US and this is in no way meant to trigger a debate on gun control in the US." If you read my first post and the topic offended you in some way then you should have stopped reading right there.


Senior Member
When I started this thread I made the following comment "I realize this really only applies to those of us in the US and this is in no way meant to trigger a debate on gun control in the US." If you read my first post and the topic offended you in some way then you should have stopped reading right there.
I don't find it offensive, I actually find it very interesting as I would for many customs in other countries that are different to my own.
I just happen to agree with the other gentleman that spoke out and left, that there may be long standing members here that have a strong belief on the topic that are upset but won't speak out, so as not to start a war of words and lose friends.


Senior Member
First of all, and this is for manLymann, this topic is in the off topic section of the forum. That means any topic aside from photography, but no politics, religion or inflamatory posts. There is nothing offensive in this thread. I don't want to be rude, but if you can't accept another countries cultural traditions/beleifs, then i don't know how you are going to be able to travel to any other country. What has been discussed here is how it is over here. If you don't like it, to bad. You don't have to come here. No one pushed their views on you. This has been a clean, friendly discussion among some guys who like shhoting, both cameras and guns. Open your mind a liitle and realize there are different ways of life outside of your country, whether you like it or not. You're entitled to your opinion and so am i. Have nice day.
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Steve B

Senior Member
(In response to ANCO's post)I understand and respect that. Like I said originally though I was asking a question to see if there were others that carried when they were in areas they may not feel very safe and secure in. I put the statement in there to make it clear that the intent of the post was not to start a debate on gun control in the US. Many people have strong opinions on this matter and that is why I hesitated before I started this thread. It is also why I put it in the off-topic section of the forum and stated that if it broke the rules the Mods should go ahead and delete it.
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Senior Member
First of all, and this is for manLymann, this topic is in the off topic section of the forum. That means any topic aside from photography, but no politics, religion or inflamatory posts. There is nothing offensive in this thread. I don't want to be rude, but if you can't accept another countries cultural traditions/beleifs, then i don't know how you are going to be able to travel to any other country. What has been discussed here is how it is over here. If you don't like it, to bad. You don't have to come here. No one pushed their views on you. This has been a clean, friendly discussion among some guys who like shhoting, both cameras and guns. Open your mind a liitle and realize there are different ways of life outside of your country, whether you like it or not. You're entitled to your opinion and so am i. Have nice day.
Please read my last post. I travel a lot and have seen many different customs and like I said I find it interesting, or even fascinating would be a better word, that's why I read the whole thread.
I didn't say I was for or against it, I just thought that manlyman had one valid point, that's all. I'm sorry I didn't literate that better in my first post.


Senior Member
Please read my last post. I travel a lot and have seen many different customs and like I said I find it interesting, or even fascinating would be a better word, that's why I read the whole thread.
I didn't say I was for or against it, I just thought that manlyman had one valid point, that's all. I'm sorry I didn't literate that better in my first post.

I edited my post. Lets keep it friend,y. Thanks :)


Senior Member
Saw that thanks, I should have been clearer sorry. Definitely want to keep it friendly.... you guys all have guns

Steve B

Senior Member
That's the nice thing about forums. It's your choice what you read and what you ignore. If a topic doesn't interest you or offends you, don't read it. It takes a conscious effort to read through multiple pages of posts on a thread that offends you. Keep smiling.

Michael J.

Senior Member
I don't like Guns at all cos I think in hands of the wrong people they can cos big problems. I said- I don't like Guns - But I like people and respect their hobbies, their likes and interests, their jobs. I respect people defending us, such soldiers, police, etc. Also Hunter who are the police of the wildlife.

I personal can not do this. So I respect those people.

Let me say, in Europe their lots of discussion going on about attack dogs. It is the same. In the wrong hand they are dangerous as same as Guns. Many of my friends are sports shooter (is this the right word? ), they are good people and I am proud to be their friend and I don't have any problems going out with them. My foster father was a soldier at WWII, I still love and respect him.

Their so many people having so many different interests than me, and all frome thgose people I've learned that toleration and respect is important. How can I expect that people tolerate me as a hobby photographer if I don't respect them?

Look at paparazzi, some are good and some are not that great. Som estret photographer are good and some not. Can they hurt some one? I think yes. So I think before we judge anyone we should look to ourselves.

Sorry when I got off topic now.
I don't like Guns at all cos I think in hands of the wrong people they can cos big problems. I said- I don't like Guns - But I like people and respect their hobbies, their likes and interests, their jobs. I respect people defending us, such soldiers, police, etc. Also Hunter who are the police of the wildlife.

I personal can not do this. So I respect those people.

Let me say, in Europe their lots of discussion going on about attack dogs. It is the same. In the wrong hand they are dangerous as same as Guns. Many of my friends are sports shooter (is this the right word? ), they are good people and I am proud to be their friend and I don't have any problems going out with them. My foster father was a soldier at WWII, I still love and respect him.

Their so many people having so many different interests than me, and all frome thgose people I've learned that toleration and respect is important. How can I expect that people tolerate me as a hobby photographer if I don't respect them?

Look at paparazzi, some are good and some are not that great. Som estret photographer are good and some not. Can they hurt some one? I think yes. So I think before we judge anyone we should look to ourselves.

Sorry when I got off topic now.

Very well said.