Protecting yourself


Senior Member
You guys from across the Pond scare me. I hike a lot in the Scottish wilderness and it never ever crossed my mind that I would need any weapons (not just that it would be illegal in the UK) for protection. If I meet some people in the middle of nowhere I just know that they are *always* nice and friendly.


Senior Member
Hard women from Yorshire,to give you an idea a guy in the supermarket decided he didn't like me, turned to me saying ime going to sort you,i didnt have time to think before my wife was between us saying only if you go through me,thats Yorshire women for you,hard but fair well hard :D

Okay, gotcha ;)


Senior Member
Personally do not need any sort of weaponry for to protect myself, regardless of location.

There are places I would carry if I needed to protect others.

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Senior Member
You guys from across the Pond scare me. I hike a lot in the Scottish wilderness and it never ever crossed my mind that I would need any weapons (not just that it would be illegal in the UK) for protection. If I meet some people in the middle of nowhere I just know that they are *always* nice and friendly.

Nothing to be scared of. It's called self preservation. Your Scottish wilderness is someone elses Compton or South side of Chicago. Not all of us live in a world where someone smiles back at you ;)

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
You guys from across the Pond scare me. I hike a lot in the Scottish wilderness and it never ever crossed my mind that I would need any weapons (not just that it would be illegal in the UK) for protection. If I meet some people in the middle of nowhere I just know that they are *always* nice and friendly.
Things are a little different when you're on a porous border with a country known for it's drug cartel and "coyotes" (human smugglers) who demonstrate little respect for life itself (beyond their own that is), much less pesky little inconveniences like the law.

I don't knowingly wander into their territory but it's not like those boundaries are on the map either.

I "CC" all the time and when I am out and about in a more remote area I open carry. Also if I am going to be in an area that is a bit on the rough side I open carry there. It is legal in my state to open carry and it is becoming more common to see every day. People tend to be a lot nicer when they see you are polite and open carrying.


Senior Member
I would carry if I had a permit, but they make it just enough of a hassle to get one to not bother. I do carry a folding knife though with a large assisted opening blade as a last resort. I know the fellows in the UK pretty much are left to their own devices to protect themselves.


Senior Member
I refuse to live in fear, no carrying arms for me. If it makes one feel safe it is their choice to.

I don't live in fear, but I also refuse to be a helpless victim. When everyone is looking around for someone to do something, I hope I can.
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Senior Member
Gun discussions can be very polarizing in public forums (that are not specific to guns). There always seems to be a few veiled slaps that end up coming about, and then the whole discussion just collapses into personal attacks. I am co-owner of a gun forum, and we even see it there at times. This one has gone very well thus far. Thanks, y'all.


Senior Member
Gun discussions can be very polarizing in public forums (that are not specific to guns). There always seems to be a few veiled slaps that end up coming about, and then the whole discussion just collapses into personal attacks. I am co-owner of a gun forum, and we even see it there at times. This one has gone very well thus far. Thanks, y'all.

You are most welcome my southerly friend ;)

Rick M

Senior Member
I have a nice hunting knife, but tend to stay away from bad areas. Awareness is the main thing for me. I don't go into bad areas just because I can. If NYS was more relaxed, I'd probably have a pistol.
Gun discussions can be very polarizing in public forums (that are not specific to guns). There always seems to be a few veiled slaps that end up coming about, and then the whole discussion just collapses into personal attacks. I am co-owner of a gun forum, and we even see it there at times. This one has gone very well thus far. Thanks, y'all.

I have been watching it very closely to make sure it stays friendly and I must say I are very pleased with everyone who has responded.
And to tie is back to photography here is a photo I did of my Taurus PT 24/7 Pro 9mm'

Photo Aug 30, 2 57 37 PM.jpg

Steve B

Senior Member
I have been watching it very closely to make sure it stays friendly and I must say I are very pleased with everyone who has responded.
Yeah, I wasn't sure I should start this thread but everyone has really kept it civil. Thanks for all of the responses. I already have my required class scheduled to get my permit to carry. In this state once you have the permit you can conceal or open carry. A few years ago I wouldn't have even thought about it and my wife hates guns. Funny thing, it was her that decided that she wanted to take the class and get a permit. Our area is still pretty quiet and relatively safe but over the last few years we have had an influx of people from the Chicago area that seem to have brought a lot of their problems with them. The police responding to "shots fired" reports have become way to common.


Senior Member
Yeah, I wasn't sure I should start this thread but everyone has really kept it civil. Thanks for all of the responses. I already have my required class scheduled to get my permit to carry. In this state once you have the permit you can conceal or open carry. A few years ago I wouldn't have even thought about it and my wife hates guns. Funny thing, it was her that decided that she wanted to take the class and get a permit. Our area is still pretty quiet and relatively safe but over the last few years we have had an influx of people from the Chicago area that seem to have brought a lot of their problems with them. The police responding to "shots fired" reports have become way to common.

Nothing wrong with equaling the playing field.


New member
Well, I'm a newbie here so my opinion doesn't really count anyway but I must admit that discussions like that do make me feel very uneasy and stir up lots of negative emotions.
As I could read here once again it's not just the need for protection that motivates people to own a weapon and even carry it in public.
I just don't want to be among people who have this mindset - so even though this is a photography forum - after reading this thread I'm quitely out the door since I can't unlearn what I just read here - especially if it involves moderators who simply lost all my respect from this point on.
Since I'm new it's easy to be honest - there are no existing friends I may upset with my statement. If I would be a long time member here I might have choosen not to say anything just to keep the peace but as a hint - I might not be the only one who's upset by this thread.

p.s.: in the very short time I was here I did get very useful advise from long time members - so thank you for sharing your expertise with a newbee without making me feel like one.