Pets/"Petography" Thread!


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Jersey was in a running mood. I had to crop these quite a bit. I was not expecting her to be a routy. I just had the 24-70 f4 S lens on the Z. We have a bit of Jekyll and Hyde. On the up side I did this on High continuous and was pleased with the focus especially when you consider that she is about the same color as the grass right now. It is very dry here.



Senior Member
Jersey was in a running mood. I had to crop these quite a bit. I was not expecting her to be a routy. I just had the 24-70 f4 S lens on the Z. We have a bit of Jekyll and Hyde. On the up side I did this on High continuous and was pleased with the focus especially when you consider that she is about the same color as the grass right now. It is very dry here.

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View attachment 321979

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
That's what she claims, we'll see what mom says at a later date.
I owned 6-7 Mallards and a Swan Goose when I was a kid. Just wait until she has to empty the poop filled pool every day. (and where do you empty all that messy water?) Then they get old and fly off if the wings aren't clipped. They are cute and irresistible when they are little like that, though. I am sure she is enjoying them. I loved my ducks, and I didn't mind taking care of the pool, but it was a horrible mess to deal with in a small yard. We had to hose off the back stoop and back door because they would go up on the concrete steps. :rolleyes: Oh, then there was the rat problem because the rats figured out we had duck food in the garage (not cute little mice, huge rats from the field across the street). My brothers and Dad got a lot of BB-gun practice that year. Old Benjamin Pump.
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Robin W

Senior Member
They do. However, Brady doesn't usually walk to long before he wants to be carried. Sadie is very good with him. Sadie is probably one of the most laid back dogs I ever met except during a storm or flashing lights. She did not like the flash of the camera so well. So we opted for some outdoor shots.

Sadie and Brady must look quite the sight when they go walking together! (Those were really excellent portrait shots, Robin.)