Pert near every day or so...

Why two shots of pink flamingos? I think my wife was of the opinion that they weren't breeding fast enough so she imported another pair. I want to tell you that there aren't too many ranchers in these parts raising them. Wonder how the meat is...probably tastes like chicken

First morning view through. Had friends here yesterday to help install a new front window. The 4 X 8 foot piece of glass that was there cracked from top to bottom a little while back. After 60 years...go figure. This was just a lazy shot while drinking coffee this morning.

Here's a few more wild things. First a thistle. Oddly enough some horses develop enough of a taste that will go out of their way to chomp the head gingerly off and eat them.

Then a wild blue flax. They are so delicate yet grow in the in the worst soil around

Then crazy wild. This is loco weed

Finally wild rose

Here the roses have taken over this buzz saw