Re: Nikonites t-shirts, hats & mugs
This is why I don't like entering this! I don't need or want any more emails or spam from companies trying to sell me something. I hate this kind of bait and switch marketing!
Jack, I understand your frustration with this, but I can assure you this is not one of those things. I asked my contact at ShareAndTell what they do with e-mail addresses and this was his response: "We may from time to time send an email out to individuals from us about their account or other announcements (including feature updates, etc.) We never share their email address unless they specifically opt into a list. And every email we do send, has unsubscribe links. So users can opt out at anytime."
Regarding "Access my basic information" - They use your fb profile information to build a profile on This is done so you can manage how many 'entries' you have in a giveaway (and also manage others if you decide to enter more). If you don't want your info in their system you can disallow their app in your Facebook profile. This site uses a similar system with Facebook, btw.
Here is their privacy policy:
Share and Tell
Also, I edited out your email address above so a spam bot doesn't collect it.