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  • So Eduard, in response to your post, do you think the specs I quoted in my initial post would do the job for photo processing? Second question, how does it work for MS Office--is it free or one time purchase, etc.? Also how does the military discount work? Is it through Apple?
    Thanks, Walt
    Sent you a direct message due to length.
    Happy Birthday!
    Thank you! I was so busy over the weekend that I never checked email etc. Hope all is well.
    Hi Ed
    I did not have to much adjustment as I was shooting the D90 as main and the D80 as back-up. There is a lot of simular features between the 90 and the 300 also when I get a new body I leave the manual in the box and pick-up a book call Digital Field Guide By J. Dennis Thomas. Excellent for explaining functions and features in laymen terms. As far as go to lens I work doing sales for a wholesaler is lower South Eastern Michigan so I am on the road a lot so I grab the Sigma 18-200mm nice size good range VR. Excellent glass. If you get a chance check-out my Web-site at let me know what you think.

    Hi Randy!

    I purchased my D300 in December of 2007. I upgraded from a D70s. It is an amazing camera. It took me some time (and a Nikonians class) to feel comfortable with it. I'm not so sure if it was the camera functions and features as much as my skills and knowledge. How have you found the transition?

    I peeked at your profile and noticed we have similar taste in lenses. Which is your go-to?

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Hey Eduard
    Just dropping by to say hay to a fellow d-300 user. How long have you been enjoying yours ? I have had mine for a little over 6 months now and love this thing. I have owed the D-70, 80 and currently own the D90 and the D-300 all of them have been great in their own ways but this 300 is just fun to shoot. Well sorry for rambling I just seen you was a 300 user so I thought I would drop you a line.

    Keep Shooting
    Fotojo (Randy)
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