My Favourite D800 Images


Senior Member
I think I will use this folder as an ongoing chronicle of my favourite D800 images that, in my opinion, highlight the best features of the D800. Feel free to comment, if you wish.

Below, a Red Tailed Hawk that just finished eating a seagull, as best as I could tell from the remains. Shot with a Nikon 300mm + Nikon 1.4 TCEII, hand held, Manual, ISO 200.


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Senior Member
so,, have you got the 800e temptation yet? I sometimes think I should have spent the difference and gotten the e, but it was several months later, and the verdict was not out on its sharpness.

enough as come out in that almost no moire effect is present, and the images are sharper than the 800. So, looks like the 800e is the best 800.

On the other hands, I have been really happy with the sharpness of the D800, and not really keen on taking a chance on getting a defective camera when my d800 seems to be A-ok.


Senior Member
so,, have you got the 800e temptation yet? I sometimes think I should have spent the difference and gotten the e, but it was several months later, and the verdict was not out on its sharpness.

enough as come out in that almost no moire effect is present, and the images are sharper than the 800. So, looks like the 800e is the best 800.

On the other hands, I have been really happy with the sharpness of the D800, and not really keen on taking a chance on getting a defective camera when my d800 seems to be A-ok.

Yeeeaaaa, I have to admit, I have thought about it. I didn't know enough about it then and my decision making process was based on a couple of factors:

1) I wanted in on the ground floor with the D800
- from all I heard and read and researched, I was quickly convinced the D800 was ground breaking technology
- I fell in love with the specs

2) The delay on the D800 was bad enough, it was worse, locally for the D800e

3) I didn't know enough about the moire issues to make a judgement call and the unknown pushed me to the D800 and not the D800e. That and an additional $400 or so which I didn't need to gamble to realize I made a $3K mistake.

So, I went with what I knew I would be happy with.

To be honest, I am tickled pink with the D800. I have not seen any examples of the D800e so I can't say my yearning for it is strong, more curiosity. How MUCH better is it? Really, this is simply a KILLER camera!

I would have to take two identical pictures with the cameras side by side to really say, I am disappointed I never went with the D800e, the difference could be so small it isn't worth the extra money.
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Senior Member
seriously, side by side, doupt if you could see any any difference.

I have really had to work on technique for best results. I found the first month I was actually thinking I could get better pictures with my D700, but now, I can get consistantly better shots from the d800.

In one word,, D800 -> STUNNING!

what is somewhat a surprised is the amount of bad press. It has impacted the volume enough that I can now walk into my local camera store, and there are both D800 and D800e sitting on the self collecting dust!

So Folks,,, don't let a few disgrunted folks, and Canon trolls sink a great camera.


Senior Member
seriously, side by side, doupt if you could see any any difference.

I have really had to work on technique for best results. I found the first month I was actually thinking I could get better pictures with my D700, but now, I can get consistantly better shots from the d800.

In one word,, D800 -> STUNNING!

what is somewhat a surprised is the amount of bad press. It has impacted the volume enough that I can now walk into my local camera store, and there are both D800 and D800e sitting on the self collecting dust!

So Folks,,, don't let a few disgrunted folks, and Canon trolls sink a great camera.

Bad press? I haven't heard anything.

I simply can't imagine what the bad press is about. My camera just sings. The resolution on the D800 is like nothing else, the camera is a pleasure to hold and use... seriously, what is the BS all about. I can't say one bad thing about the D800. Nothing. No suggestions to improve it, no nits or complaints, it is a dream product.

Bad Press?? B*ll Sh*t. As you say, most likely, TROLLS!


The Dude
In addition to being an amazing camera with incredible resolution it also treats colors like no other camera I've ever seen. It seems to render colors with such subtlety and can distinguish between the smallest of shades, it's just blows me away. I'm so glad I made the leap of faith and didn't talk myself out of it. Yes, it's a heck of a lot off money but in this case you really get what you pay for (provided my shutter doesn't take another crap in the next few months, that is!)


Imagine how ticked off you would be if you paid 6 grand for a M9 and every picture you took displayed the moire effect. If anyone is knocking the D800 it is because they are envious.


Senior Member
You know you have a good camera when you show up to the pond, start taking pictures like this...


and all the other ducks give you a standing ovation. :surprise:



Thank, thank you, you are too kind!


Senior Member
A few of my favourite images from this past weekend.

A Red Tailed Hawk who was hoping to get a Black Crested Night Heron for lunch, but failed. He went into the tree a large number were roosting in. Nothing of note happened, other than I got to take this shot!


I just love this picture of a German Shepard K-9 unit rescue dog. Got this image at a weekend Police exercise on the lake.


A beautiful Merganser who just found a lovely crab to eat on the bottom of the pond. I have a shot of a dive bombing seagull that tried to take it away as well, below this image. It failed.



And, a nice shot of a Gadwall.



Senior Member
Indeed Jeff, but I don't recall seeing any pigeons in this area, nor squirrels .... I think it is shopped out! :D

Hawks are such amazing birds to watch. I am a huge fan.


Senior Member
I spent a few minutes typing up a nice post that went along with 3 nice pictures I took this past weekend and when I went to attach, it timed out and I lost the post. I have no patience for reposting. Someone needs to look into the time out feature on this site, it is really annoying.