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  1. C

    Struggling to understand Picture Controls

    Just lazy typing on my part Fred, I used PC in my question to represent "Picture Controls"... I am indeed working with raw files, and you say above that the Exposure and Aperture settings ARE saved by the PC system ?. However, if I save two different PC's. one with 1/250 at F8 for faster shots...
  2. C

    Hello from an OAP

    I am a 79 years young ex software developer, Garage Owner. Race/Rally driver and a Licensed pilot of light aircraft since my 17th birthday thanks to having won a flying scholarship from my schools RAF Combined Cadet Force Squadron, thereby having the RAF pay for me to learn to fly at Oxford over...
  3. C

    Struggling to understand Picture Controls

    I used to be a software designer/Author in my earlier life, so I was always providing exactly such (multiple) configuration options so my users could always have my software run in exactly the way they had configured it, and usually, they could indeed select from more than one configuration, so...
  4. C

    Getting to grips with Picture Control ?

    Thank you Fred, I found the two green spot buttons and held them for a few seconds and - PRESTO, my Graphics screens have re-appeared, so many thanks for that gem !!! Now all I gotta do is redo all the settings I played with in getting to know my new camera, and hopefully, just maybe...
  5. C

    Getting to grips with Picture Control ?

    I am a new owner of a new to me (reworked) Nikon F5600 purchased through Amazon, and am generally quite pleased with it, but I really have reached a brick wall with |a problem that has just occurred. It may be to do with the fact that I have been switching Lenses as I have just taken delivery...