Lawrence's 365 for 2014


Senior Member
Day 18

I'm still in this thing.
Spent the afternoon at the Hamilton Zoo and had a great time.
I was determined to use only my 70-300 and stuck to that.
However the main problem I faced was either the fencing or reflection on glass so good photos were not easy to get (I am sticking with that excuse. :p )
The second BIG problem was as soon as I got to them all the animals seemed to turn around and "moon" me! Grrr …. Lots of rear end photos.

I have heaps of material and some pretty good bird shots. I will post these in other threads

For this day though I will only post 4.

First up the Rhino's eye. He was in a group of about 8 and everyone was showing me their butt!
Rhino eye LOL.jpg

Next we'll go with the Heron.

Herron LOL.jpg

Then the ostrich - big crop to get rid of fence. Not a good composition as a result.
Ostrich LOL.jpg

And finally the Sumatran Tiger. Another big crop to eliminate most (not all) of the fence.

Sumatran Tiger LOL.jpg

Although not great photos it was a day of testing to see how fast I could focus on shoot on moving animals and to that end a successful day.
Loved the lens.


Senior Member
Your assignment for today: tell us a good thing about each of those 4 posted animal images!

Cool Mel. Can I come install it for you? ;)
You are so kind.

Lol, install an image? Oh wait.. is THAT how photographers actually earn their money? Why haven't anyone told me that before?

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Day 18

I'm still in this thing.
Spent the afternoon at the Hamilton Zoo and had a great time.
I was determined to use only my 70-300 and stuck to that.
However the main problem I faced was either the fencing or reflection on glass so good photos were not easy to get (I am sticking with that excuse. :p )
The second BIG problem was as soon as I got to them all the animals seemed to turn around and "moon" me! Grrr …. Lots of rear end photos.

I have heaps of material and some pretty good bird shots. I will post these in other threads

For this day though I will only post 4.

First up the Rhino's eye. He was in a group of about 8 and everyone was showing me their butt!

Next we'll go with the Heron.

Then the ostrich - big crop to get rid of fence. Not a good composition as a result.

And finally the Sumatran Tiger. Another big crop to eliminate most (not all) of the fence.

View attachment 67619

Although not great photos it was a day of testing to see how fast I could focus on shoot on moving animals and to that end a successful day.
Loved the lens.
That is a beautiful tiger, here is a quick edit with the jpg. You can do so much more with what you have...

Sumatran Tiger LOL.jpg and with Vignetting Sumatran Tiger LOL.jpg


Senior Member
From now on I will only take photos of identifiable objects. So far today I have a photo of the washing frolicking in the wind in bright sunshine. It's a happy load. :D
That will not do! It can be fun trying to figure out what something is or what it might be used for.

This is an excellent run of posts and photographs. Keep them coming!

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