Brides Throwing Cats


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Brides throwing cats

This sounds like it is a hit with some people. They actually don't throw the cats--the cats are photoshopped into the photos (I'm a cat lover and wouldn't want them to get hurt). It's a unique idea and a way to generate some additional income.

For those who have photographed weddings, what is the most unusual request you've received from people?


Senior Member
As if there weren't enough cat memes already. Sheesh. Personally, I think a hand grenade photoshopped in there instead would be better. :p

Can't really think of any special requests that came out of left field like this. I've had a request for hair color changes, and magic presto weight loss, but nothing really unusual.


New member
I did a full Scottish wedding, kilts an all. The grooms family coming from Scotland. At the end of a long day partaking of the Golden Nectar the 20 or so grooms men wanted a photo of all the finery. Just as I took the photo the entire line turned and mooned the camera"...............and for those of you who want to know nothing is worn under the kilt, it all looked in perfect working order!


Super Mod
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Super Mod
I showed this to my wife for a laugh and my teenage step-son walked by and said why doesn't someone do that with quarterbacks? LOL