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  • Good afternoon,

    First of all, thank you for all the help. It really helps me have a better understanding of the photography business. I was also wondering if you could send me the contract example you were speaking of. Since your PM box is full I decided to send the message here.

    Thank you for your time,
    Helene!.. Oh my gosh... I keep forgetting about this visitor message thingy..lol I'm so sorry to not respond before now... Talk about DUH!..lol
    Thanks for your compliment... I'm so honored coming from such an awesome artist as yourself!! Made my day!
    The day of that shot I was determined to shoot nothing but Manual and in RAW..... I was somewhat pleased but know I have much practice to do.....BUT determined!
    I want to take you up on your offer of helping me with HDR soon.. I'm flying home Wednesday... so once settle back in Ga. and hooked up online etc.. I'll be able to hopefully stay in touch better!

    Be well lady!! Talk soon!
    So glad to hear from you, karlyh! I was glad to see you participate in the weekly challenge. . . I loved your photo! Well composed, and very nicely done technically. Very artisitc and told a story. Keep up the great work. . . you are such an artist! The technical stuff is right there, too!
    Hi Helene..... Just wanted to stop by and say hello.. I haven't been on much.. too many irons in the fire lately! Your latest photos you've posted are gorgeous!!

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