A Little Photo Shoot I Had Today....


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I'm by no means an expert, but are you trying to ease up the pressure with the clients? Everything looks so serious and forced, it kind of looks like they aren't enjoying being photographed. Except your son of course...


Senior Member
I'm by no means an expert, but are you trying to ease up the pressure with the clients? Everything looks so serious and forced, it kind of looks like they aren't enjoying being photographed. Except your son of course...

I like the serious look. It's an important part of my portrait style as evidenced by this shot of my son...


Senior Member
I'm by no means an expert, but are you trying to ease up the pressure with the clients? Everything looks so serious and forced, it kind of looks like they aren't enjoying being photographed. Except your son of course...

With all do respect Scene..I disagree..Some seriousness goes with the mood of the shots...
P.S I would like to keep this thread clean of pictures from other members please...Thanks...


Senior Member
I can understand serious maybe given, however maybe the words are in the wrong context of things. Maybe I should have used "uncomfortable" for a better lack of description. That's just what I get from looking at the photos you posted.


Senior Member
I have a shoot 2morrow guys..Stay Tuned...

Hi Shootraw, this thread makes for an interesting 'photography log/diary'.

I'm am far far away from being am expert, but I would have to say that the latest shoot (guy with glasses) has a much nicer feel to it than the earlier shoots, and I think it's more down to the post processing (PP) being consistent across all the photo's rather than shooting technique. The earlier shots had a vast range of different PP techniques and when you put them together in one presentation I feel it makes the viewer wonder what sort of style you might have been aiming for, or how consistent you are.

Maybe that would also help with the comment above about smiling/seriousness. I think that the choice of smile or seriousness should come with the feeling of the photo, a bright colourful photo would often resemble happiness/party/fun to us subconsciously and so drive a smile, a bright but monotone photo is heavenly/dreamy and so maybe drive a more serious, deep facial expression. Contrasty and dark photos offer more seriousness/drama/sad/danger types of feeling.

More than I planned to write, and also it's just me thinking a loudly for myself really. I have not yet done any real photoshoot yet beyond a half day course.

Really enjoying the thread. helps me get inspired and maybe build up my confidence to jump in the deepend a bit.
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Camera Fun

Senior Member
Excellent pictures. I think the more 'serious' tone (if that's a good description) adds a different type of intensity to the look of some. I especially like the ones of the second model where there is a very slight, sly smile; not too much and not too little. Very intriguing composition. Again, great job on all the pictures & settings.