A Scary Week...


Senior Member
I just wanted to get a post out there about my wife Pat. She is in the hospital and how she got there is kind of strange.

Last Wednesday Pat told me she had a kind of a large pimple on her abdomen but it did not have a head. Thursday it was a bit bigger but still no head, but it was getting tender. By Saturday it was more tender, but she did not want to go to the doctor. Sunday the pain was more than she could stand.

By 4:00 PM Sunday a surgical team was called and Pat went in for emergency surgery. They opened a 10x14cm wound and removed infection and tissue. She was septic but not yet in shock. She is doing the best she has today. Her sugar and BP are finally in line and the wound, after 3 subsequent procedures, is doing well. She will be in the hospital until they can change the dressing without being fully sedated. That could be a week or so more.
It was a bit scary for a few days and we still have a ways to go to get Pat home and months to healing.

I wanted to post this because the doctor told us this kind of infection is easy to get. It could be as simple as an ingrown hair. We learned that we need to pay much closer attention. The speed with which it grew from Saturday to Sunday was shocking and the impact on Pat's systems was frightening. Today she is looking the best she has in a week.

Pat and  Jersey.jpg


Staff member
Super Mod
WOW! :eyetwitch: That was a VERY scary ordeal for sure, Dan. And you're right in that it was a strange situation. Thanks for sharing because it could happen to any of us or our loved ones.

Please tell Pat I'm glad she is healing...albeit slowly. How are you holding up? No doubt it's been stressful for you. Take care, Dan.


Senior Member
WOW! :eyetwitch: That was a VERY scary ordeal for sure, Dan. And you're right in that it was a strange situation. Thanks for sharing because it could happen to any of us or our loved ones.

Please tell Pat I'm glad she is healing...albeit slowly. How are you holding up? No doubt it's been stressful for you. Take care, Dan.

Truly scary stuff. Glad it looks like everything is working out OK.

Thanks, Brent and Cindy. I am doing well. family and friends from Church are taking me to the Hospital in the mornings and back in the afternoons and I folks are so gracious. God is Good and we are thankful. Praying for Pat to be home soon, but very thankful that all is going this well.


Senior Member
Thanks everyone. She has another procedure today. Yesterday was bad. The wound vac leaked and they had to remove it without any pain meds. They gave her the pain meds after. It took a lot out of her yesterday and it is carrying over today. She is getting good care, but the hospital is no place to get any rest.


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Super Mod
Continued prayers for both of you as well as the hospital staff. :heart:


Senior Member
Just saw this, Dan. I hope that her recovery is going well and that you are remembering to take care of yourself, as well. It's great to see your dog paid a visit. No better medicine in the world, in my book. :)


Senior Member
Well, things are starting to look up. Yesterday the doctors changed Pat's wound vac and dressing in the room with IV pain medication. If they can repeat that tomorrow with pills instead of IV tomorrow she will likely get to come home tomorrow or Friday. I will tell you she is very tired and worn out. She has been in the hospital since we went to the ER on December 30th. Today was her birthday. We are going to make it up to her on our anniversary February 2.

She has had a tough start to 2019.


Senior Member
Things will keep getting better, Dan. I'm sorry you two have had to go through this. Sending a prayer for strength and healing for you both.


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Super Mod
Glad to hear there's been some improvement, Dan! It definitely sounds like an encouraging update! :)