Post your Cemetery Shots!

Rick M

Senior Member
Your eternal resting place for your Cemetary shots. Let's see some creative shots you've brought to life :)
I'll start us off with a couple from a few weeks back,



Rick M

Senior Member
Re: Post your Cemetary Shots!

This next set is from a cemetary I kinda stumbled across on my last camping trip. We went to Fillmore Glen in the Finger Lake Region, a spot at which has some nice waterfalls. A couple we met asked if we had seen the Revolutionary/Civil war cemetary which was actually about 100 yards up the hill behind our campsite. We've camped there about 6-7 times in the past three years and never knew it was there. At any rate, here's a few from that spot:




These were all single shots tonemapped.


Senior Member
Re: Post your Cemetary Shots!

I took these back in mid-February, right after I got my D7000. This is the Bunn Hill Cemetery. It is an old cemetery that is not used any
more. The last person buried there was in the 1940s. I plan on going back and taking more photos again now that the weather is nice.

The patriarch with all his wives and children around.

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130210-05F.jpg

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130210-10.jpg

It's rather sad that there are all sorts of broken branches around the headstones.
Bunn Hill Cemetery-130210-14.jpg

This row of headstones represents members of the same family, Widerman.
Bunn Hill Cemetery-130210-15.jpg

Rexer John

Senior Member
Re: Post your Cemetary Shots!


P.S. This pic is showing the front of the stones, many are too worn to read but some of the readable ones are well over 200 years old.
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Senior Member
Re: Post your Cemetary Shots!

More from the Bunn Hill Cemetery. Now that the ground is free of snow, I walked around and noticed that the most recent person to be buried there was in 1998. It is a very, very small cemetery.

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-01_1.jpg

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-02_1.jpg

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-03_1.jpg

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-04_1.jpg

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-05_1.jpg

If you look very closely at the lower left corner of the headstone, you will see a brown blur that kind of looks like a chipmunk. It is. Check the last photo to see what he really looks like.
Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-07_1.jpg

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-08_1.jpg

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-09_1.jpg

This is really disturbing, especially, when you realize that there are broken vases and old plastic flowers along with the dead branches just thrown nearby.
Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-10_1.jpg

This little guy was hanging around one of the headstones. I think he's the cemetery mascot.
Bunn Hill Cemetery Chipmunk-130520_1.jpg


Senior Member
Re: Post your Cemetary Shots!

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Senior Member
Re: Post your Cemetary Shots!

After looking at the photos I posted yesterday, I don't know why I didn't crop the one with all the flags at the front of the cemetery. I must have had a momentary brain burp. Anyway, here it is, cropped, and I think it looks better.

Bunn Hill Cemetery-130520-02_2.jpg


Senior Member
Re: Post your Cemetary Shots!

This image was shot with an F4S and 105mm f/1.8 AIS Nikkor on Tri-X film around 3 in the afternoon. The image was then scanned and maniuplated in Photoshop to give an eerie "night time" appearance.



Senior Member
I checked out another small cemetery that I pass by almost every day. It was established in 1813. Unlike the Bunn Hill Cemetery, this one, the Vestal Center Cemetery, although bigger, and still in use, is not as well kept. There were a lot of broken head stones, and not all of the grass was mowed. Also, whoever is taking care of it does not remove the old decorations properly. All they do is throw them over the fence onto someone else's property. It's just sad.

Anyway, here are a few photos I took today.

This is the front fence that faces the road.

Vestal Center Cemetery-130527-19.jpg

Just an interesting perspective.

Vestal Center Cemetery-130527-06.jpg

I thought this was a very sweet tribute and my favorite of the group of photos I took there today. Note that he died in November 1954. I am sure he was in the Korean War.

Vestal Center Cemetery-130527-03.jpg

I found this last one very disturbing and disrespectful. This was thrown against the fence on the cemetery side. I cannot say any more.

Vestal Center Cemetery-130527-17.jpg

Rick M

Senior Member
It is very disturbing to see such things Barb. When I was a kid there was a small civil war era cemetary about 1/2 mile from my house. There was about 100 headstones back then, went back 30 years later, there was only about 10 standing.


Senior Member
It is very disturbing to see such things Barb. When I was a kid there was a small civil war era cemetary about 1/2 mile from my house. There was about 100 headstones back then, went back 30 years later, there was only about 10 standing.

It bothers me a lot. It is just so sad and disturbing that the memory of people are discarded.