Wud's project 365 2014


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Mai, I haven't noticed that you have posted for WAY too long. Seems like I'm just a bit distracted, but now I've caught up. Great thread. So many great photos :)
I actually think one of my favourites is the 'gravko' under the clouds. Really epic cloud scape and a cool motive as well, I think :)

Thank you! I like it too :) Think the bottom should be a tad brighter, I printed it out yesterday which really makes it easier to see.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Well, I applied to a photographer school, you go to the school for 5-6 months, after that you need an apprenticeship to be able to continue the education. At first you send an application and 5 images, 60 people then goes to the next round, which is a short interview, where you bring 20 images.

I was so happy to be called in for the interview - just to be told I am to good so I wont get accepted, instead I should "just" find myself an apprenticeship. Which they know (and said) are very hard to find.

Since I really put all my money on this school, I didn't search for apprenticeship at the graphic technician school I go to know, so now I gotta find a job, which feels so wrong, as I just wanna get better at photographing.

I have of course already send out applications to photographers but only had thank you, but no.

It really sucks right now.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Really sorry to hear that Mai! Hopefully if you keep trying an apprenticeship will come up - Or start out fully on your own? I think you can do it!


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Really sorry to hear that Mai! Hopefully if you keep trying an apprenticeship will come up - Or start out fully on your own? I think you can do it!

I can say for sure, I would be very pour if starting full time for myself - it's a tough business and even my part time photographing are (for me) a big job to get going. Also I really, really want the education.
But yes, I'll just keep trying. Just felt so weird, after that interview.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

I can say for sure, I would be very pour if starting full time for myself - it's a tough business and even my part time photographing are (for me) a big job to get going. Also I really, really want the education.
But yes, I'll just keep trying. Just felt so weird, after that interview.

I can imagine how weird that is, they could have handled that better! I'm sure everything will work out though!


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Wow Mai, too good for school. I guess thats like saying here you are over qualified and we can't offer you the job.

Keep chugging along, you will get there. You are too good to not achieve what you want.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Well go back to the school Mai and ask them to hire you as an instructor. I too feel you need to be out on your own. How did your dog books work out? Find a photo niche and work exclusively on that until you are established, then expand. There is no one I know of on this forum who doubts that you can accomplish whatever you set out to do.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Haha. Too cool for school eh?

I agree to a point though. I don't see how most of the stuff they would teach would really up the level you are at now.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Also....about the school thing. I doubt they were trying to be rude. And they are probably right in their assessment. You would be spending a lot of money for just a little bit added knowledge.

I actually think the school may be thinking they did you a favor by saving you money. I would take it as a complement and get out there after an apprenticeship. Besides....having a resume that says you were too good for the local photography school ain't such a bad thing.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Deezey, it's a school you get money to go to. The place who take you in as their photographer student, also pays every month. Not a lot lot of money but most have a second job on the side.

They didn't say I'm done learning, not at all - they just said I should find a photographer for the almost 4 years the education takes (4,5 year if you start at school).

I just dont feel ready stepping in at a photographer, showing my stuff. It's not like we have a billion who can actually take in a student, so I felt I really wanted to be awesome when going out (and don't get me wrong, I know I've come a long way but it's not good enough yet!).

But maybe it doesn't matter.

I have made business cards, resume, and almost done with an application, it's all printed and looks pretty nice. I have no idea what to do about the images - how many etc, and I'm to tired to figure out ;) I'll work on it in December.
@RON the times I tried, the images have not been what I had in mind (for a book). It just needs more planning and figuring out, how to get the dogs to do it (and explain it to the owner).

Well, in a few weeks I'm showing 2-250 images to a big photographic club, so that's kind of my priority to prepare for, when I finish exams (next week). I hate speaking in front of people lol. But I'm sure it'll be a great experience!


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

I don't want to come off sounding a jerk here Mai....but from where I am sitting, I don't think you lack the skills needed. But I am thinking its more of an inner confidence issue. You images show that you know what you are doing. It shows the confidence you have with a camera in your hands....now you just seem to need to empower yourself when the camera is out of your hands.

I believe you can do this. That camera and you will go places.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Lol, I know I sound very annoying. I don't have a low self esteem problem, I am just really nerdy and I follow some extremely talented photographers and I have a long way before being able to do the same. I still make tons of mistakes, but also keep in mind, the education aren't just about how to photograph - its also about how to brand yourself, how to use page rank, how to get clients etc etc etc.

Stuff I dont know how to do:
work with flash light outside the studio
do dramatic studio images (last time was pure luck)
photograph men!
use foreground-middleground-background without being on the edge of making it look like I am someone spying on a family (lol!)
get a fully booked calendar
company portraits (the big shots paying a lot of $$, which a lot of photographers do, for keeping up living)
these tricky landscape compositions, which looks AWESOME when pulled of right - example: http://www.esbenzollnerolesen.com/files/gallery/EZ_20140405_HoP_hoop_shoot_-_Pernille__0031.jpg

And much more. I could go on.

As I wrote, I am very happy I've come this way already, but as you all know - it takes a lot of work. Simple thing as finding the 'mistake' in your image, can be so very hard to see. I don't feel bad, actually I am happy I am so earthbound that I know, which level I am at. Seriously, I've seen some homepages with people who photograph for money, which was simply horrible! Wow.

I was sad not getting into the school, both because I wanted to learn more, but also as I now have to go find a job (which I really need to, as I have absolutely no money), which feels like I am taking a huge step away from photographing full time, just when I thought I was going to do it NOW.

Honestly, don't feel bad on my behalf, this is just me being nerdy and pushing myself, to go to the place I wanna be at.
What helps me the most, are someone else who looks at my images and say - hey, if you'd done the composition a little more xxx, it would have worked better. Hey, you need more light on the eyes. Etc.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Difference between Hahnemuhle luster paper and Hahnemuhle photo rag ultra smooth (matte without structure). The small print (luster) picks up the purple color from purple bags laying next too, funny :-D



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Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

That is good to know Mai. I really like the ultra smooth. I am getting ready to try out their Photo Silk Baryta. Will let you know how that turns out.


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Mmmmh, trying to prepare for the lecture I am giving tomorrow, about my dog photography. And kind of.. dont know what to say after the first 30 images :eek: I saw some awesome lectures this summer but of course I can't remember how in the world they managed to talk for 1,5-2 hours now!

I mean, there isn't really the big 'stories' in most of the shootings, if you get what I mean.
@Lawrence - the dog photographer you saw not long ago, what did she tell about?

Besides that, a few images from a concert friday.










Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

I mean, there isn't really the big 'stories' in most of the shootings, if you get what I mean.
@Lawrence - the dog photographer you saw not long ago, what did she tell about?

Well first off she did not speak for 2 hours - although I think she could easily have.

What impressed me about her approach to the shots was the way she found out so much about the animals and owners before the shoot.
In particular she wanted to know the animal's character, quirks, behaviour, responses etc. and most importantly how the owners "SAW' them. When you live with an animal on a daily basis you see things in them that others don't and this is what she tried to portray in her photos.
For example if the owners saw their dog as "majestic" then a shot of the dog on a horizon (camera below the dog shooting up) portrays the majestic side of them. Hope that makes sense.

And she also said she can spend a lot of time getting the dog to relax and get used to her and the camera. Often they take forever to calm down when meeting someone new - just excited and friendly as animals get and why we love them.

To keep her talk going she showed examples and spoke of the history behind each shot, a bit about the owners and how she thought she would like to shoot.

One point to remember Mai is whoever you are speaking to believes you are the expert so they will be enthralled and not judge. Enjoy the moment! :)


Senior Member
Re: Wud's project 365

Thanks a million, Lawrence :) That really helped. I thought I should talk about the dogs - how they acted and how we made it into an image, but suddenly I just wasn't sure if that was the way to go.