What mode do you mostly shoot in?


Senior Member
I started out shooting manual to try to become a true photographer!

These days manual is as easy as any other mode. The cam tells you about anything you need to know which makes it almost a point and shoot. A point, adjust and shoot.

But when other people are looking, I always start measuring things with my thumb and get out my pocket calculator to punch a lot of numbers while reciting complex formulas.

It makes them think I'm very good. That and very long lenses. ;)
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Senior Member
I changed to "P" for professional mode the other day - just for shits and giggles, I wanted to see how far different my manual settings were, and how different the image would be to what the camera thought I should be shooting. I have no idea what I did wrong, but in "P" mode, I got a completely 100% blown frame.

I was using 2 flashes, triggered with pocket wizards. They were in manual mode at 1/8th power.

Go figure!


Senior Member
usually M or A

have shot in S a few random times but have also shot in M and A with auto iso as well. when I wanted a specific shutter/aperture and wanted auto iso to give me a proper exposure. make sure when shooting in A that you in the menu you set the lowest shutter youre willing to accept.


Senior Member
I changed to "P" for professional mode the other day - just for shits and giggles, I wanted to see how far different my manual settings were, and how different the image would be to what the camera thought I should be shooting. I have no idea what I did wrong, but in "P" mode, I got a completely 100% blown frame.

I was using 2 flashes, triggered with pocket wizards. They were in manual mode at 1/8th power.

Go figure!

maybe your metering was to spot or center. that will affect it. matrix seems to underexpose the second theres any strong light in the frame. a little window light and its hitting under.


Senior Member
Mostly manual (always for flash and studio), if I'm in a hurry (object runs around, there are constant change between clouds and bright sun), I like aperture mode. I always, always keep track of the suggested shutter speed though.

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Senior Member
I use Manual with auto-ISO most of the time, but when walking the dogs & looking out for wildlife I use U1, which I have set up to be Shutter-priority, AF-C & Dynamic area AF.


Senior Member
I use fully manual, manual with auto iso, or aperture priority, depending what I am shooting.

Fully manual for macro and my pen photography which probably makes up 50% of my camera use.
Manual with auto iso for wildlife, about 25% of use.
Aperture priority for most everything else, about 25% .

Edit- I have never put any DSLR into P mode Oz , or used video for that matter.
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Staff member
Super Mod
Most of the time I use Aperture Priority because I either want to convey selective focus or have everything in focus. If I specifically need a certain shutter speed, I either use Manual or Shutter Priority. I've never tried any Program mode on any of my cameras.

My first SLR was a Minolta XG-M. It only offered Aperture Priority or Manual so those are the two I use the most. I think we all get comfortable with using one mode. When we want to try something new, the thought of being taken out of our comfort zone sometimes prevents us from even giving it a try.


Senior Member
I was using manual with Auto ISO for a while until it bit me in the butt! Was shooting a group and wanted to get all the faces smiling so took multiple shots. Well, Auto ISO adjusted slightly for each shot so when I tried to move heads around there was a subtle color and exposure difference from shot to shot..................I will use Auto ISO selectively now.