Senior Member
I was experimenting with catching the North American Nebula with z8+z105mm (without tracker). I didn't know where the NAN was exactly in the dark sky but saw it from Stellarium was close but higher than Vega in the direction between W and NW. So I just aimed in that direction and saw massive stars in the frame as I focused into infinity. Took two dozen shots and several Darks and Biases. Thinking of using Siril to stack the Lights and process, but unfortunately, all of the Lights except one are useless due to trails (I didn't think 5" is too long for 105mm). So took the only remnant (which is still with a little trail) and tried to get/save something out of it from Gimp... Surprised! The first picture is the original, the second is processed with Curve, and the third is processed by Level. What do you think I have caught?