Weekly Challenge Jan 20-Feb 2: Freestyle

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View attachment 1395

I took the boys to the zoo today...and they started walking and holding hands...they are too sweet for words...my son really liked the paint effect and he asked me to use it for this picture..so I did...I hope you like...Amanda

awwww......that is too cute, Amanda. :) Great shot, the lighting is very good, the shadows, the texture........it's all there. :) Nice.

Ruidoso Bill

Senior Member
I took the boys to the zoo today...and they started walking and holding hands...they are too sweet for words...my son really liked the paint effect and he asked me to use it for this picture..so I did...I hope you like...Amanda

This truly is a sweet photo, thanks for sharing it.


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View attachment 1395

I took the boys to the zoo today...and they started walking and holding hands...they are too sweet for words...my son really liked the paint effect and he asked me to use it for this picture..so I did...I hope you like...Amanda

Really nice shot Amanda, I love the atmosphere. The painting effect makes it look magical. I also like the overall color balance.
Keep up the great work.
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New member
Thank you very much Mr. Carey...I love to hear when people like my work...I was to a point for awhile were I was very discouraged...I love photography (but having a bad seed for a friend/business partner was awful)....Thank you so much for yours and all of the others kind nice comments... Amanda


New member

We baked cookies the other day (for daddy to take on his business trip) and they turned out so pretty I had to take pics...My scrapbooking group is going to use it for background on our V-Day projects....Hope you like it...Amanda


Senior Member
Nice photo Jazz. That burst of light in the center of the splash looks like the optic sensor on the HAL-9000 from 2001 A Space Odyssey. Is it a reflection of sunlight, or from a flash?

It would be from the on board flash. No money for a Speedlight :(


New member
All I can say is WOW! I was thinking I should participate in this challenge until I took a peek at the submitted photos. I have a lot to learn.


Snow White
All I can say is WOW! I was thinking I should participate in this challenge until I took a peek at the submitted photos. I have a lot to learn

Only way to learn is to just jump in! Your photos are much better than you think (I looked at your gallery!. . . nice shots!) So, join the party!

Best Regards


New member
I looked at your pics...you have some great pics... we are all her to learn from each other and to share...SO jump in and get your feet wet..I promise no one here bites (at least not too much..LOL..joking) but in all honesty, all the people here I have met have been nothing but wonderfully supportive...Amanda
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Senior Member
My first entry for this challenge
This figure is one of the characters of the fantasy table top wargame called WARHAMMER
whats amazing about this figures are almost all of them are about an inch (1 inch) small
and hand painted with amazing detail.

View attachment 1420

Wow! my husband would love this, he paints Warhammer figures and reads the books.
Did you paint this one?


Senior Member
Wow! my husband would love this, he paints Warhammer figures and reads the books.
Did you paint this one?
Hi jengajoh - No, I did not paint that one. I just saw them being played on the hobby store. I was amazed by the detail on them for their small size. Had to go home and get my camera. Hehehehe :)
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Wild this one is. The outside temperature was - 27 celsius this morning when I took this one. "Chilly" isn't even cold enough to describe it.

bonhomme des prés.jpg
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