Project 365 - ladykinght33


Senior Member
Day 17 of 366 my desk after running payroll


Senior Member
I officially have NAS. I know I need a decent flash and tripod, but I want to upgrade my camera and I have about 4 lenses on my wish list. Too bad I just celebrated a significant birthday a month ago. I don't think I can justify asking my daughter for another lens so soo. Oh well, I will get my income tax refund in another four to six weeks.:(


Senior Member
I have been taking pictures, havent taken the time to get them off the camera. My dad had some health issues I had to attend to - 2 different ER visits and long nights followed by longer days at work. He starts treatment for a second bout with prostate cancer this week. Keep him in your prayers. Thanks.


Snow White
I'm sorry for your dad's health problems. You're a good daughter for being there for him. Thoughts, prayers and best wishes for you and your family.


Senior Member
I never did get to finish my 365 project but I will attempt a once a month picture. I have missed taking shots.

Well to make a long story short my dad went into the hospital 2/17/12 and passed away on 7/15/12 it was a difficult 6 months but I was with him everyday. It's taken me a bit to get back on my feet but out of darkness come light as I will be a grandmother next month so I will have a new phot subject just what I need to get back into shooting.