Post your sunset shots


Senior Member


Senior Member
Here is a sunset but I noticed something going by

Then this

It came from here
Nikon D7000 with a 300mm AIS F/4 manual film lens
Gotta make one of those contraptions amazing bubbles that were a hit at the beach last Thursday 30 June 2015 at Lark Erie Presque Isle State Park.

Lou Cioccio


Senior Member
The Wilco truck stop on top of Monteagle Tennessee. Was just finishing my mandatory DOT half hour break and my spicy chicken caesar salad from Wendy's, when I happened to spot this sunset. I had my new D750 with me today and I wanted to try out the "highlight metering mode". I'm posting a before and after shot in the PP forum as well.

There is one place down the street from me that the sun sets in just the right place a few days out of the year. I mark those days in my calendar and am prepared to shoot each day. I got lucky today and had a pretty sunset.
