Post your sunset shots


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Senior Member
When I was out last night, getting a sunset shot, next to me on the left was the local school, and got some good colours in the windows.



Senior Member
@paul04: love the orange reflections in the windows. I would add a bit of blue to the sky.
@Marilynne: I think the green is a bit too saturated for the overal picture. Don't know how the situation was, but wouldn't it be nicer if you waited a bit longer for the sun to set just behind the trees?

This is a picture of last year which I shot during a short holiday in Zeeland (a province in the Netherlands). I didn't got the time to sort all the pictures out yet, but this week I started out and found this beauty.

Meeting the horizon by Patrick de Bie, on Flickr and on 500px


Staff member
Super Mod
@Marilynne: I think the green is a bit too saturated for the overal picture. Don't know how the situation was, but wouldn't it be nicer if you waited a bit longer for the sun to set just behind the trees?

There was no green in the original, just a dark area.

On a bicycle and wanted to be part way home if not all the way home before dark.


Staff member
Super Mod
ah ok. That is a legit reason ;)

But I would definitaly give it another try on the same spot. The area is beautifull! :)

Yes, it is beautiful. It's a water reclamation center called Green Cay Wetlands. The water dept put a boardwalk around the perimeter.