Post your Oil Paint filter shots here


Senior Member
I just did this one yesterday ... cross posted to my regular thread...


Pat in GA


Senior Member
question - how do you guys get such strong and smooth brush strokes on yours? i keep playing with the settings but can't seem to find the combination that makes it look as nice as yours.


Senior Member
on my computer i find it helps if i use an image that has been reduced to 1000 on the long side. Full size it take a long time to process. It takes a long time for me to get an image that i like. I start with all the sliders in the middle, moving one at a time from .1 to 10 i get an idea where i would like it then do the same with next slide til i work my way thru the slides and go back and fine tune each till i get something i like. (i am using lightroom)


Senior Member
on my computer i find it helps if i use an image that has been reduced to 1000 on the long side. Full size it take a long time to process. It takes a long time for me to get an image that i like. I start with all the sliders in the middle, moving one at a time from .1 to 10 i get an idea where i would like it then do the same with next slide til i work my way thru the slides and go back and fine tune each till i get something i like. (i am using lightroom)
it was the size of the pic. you have to reduce the size anyway just to upload the pic so this time i reduced it first then applied the filter..
