Post your macro photos here


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Bourbon Neat

Senior Member
In an attempt to lure butterflies with bananas, I have succeeded in attracting various kinds of flies and a small village of bees. When I finally get a sharp bee in flight it will show here. You know, using the macro lens and its depth of focus, blah.



Senior Member
These black ants are large, some of them are up to 10mm long ( 3/8" ), but they have proven hard to photograph.
They just don't stop, its hard enough keeping them in the viewfinder let alone in the focus zone :rolleyes:.



Senior Member
These black ants are large, some of them are up to 10mm long ( 3/8" ), but they have proven hard to photograph.
They just don't stop, its hard enough keeping them in the viewfinder let alone in the focus zone :rolleyes:.

View attachment 176480

Regardless of the obstacles you had to overcome the end results speaks loudly to your abilities. This is one great shot; the segments in the antennae, the fine hairs on the body. Very well done.