Post your latest purchases.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
I will let you know. I will try both before the Meet and Greet in February

I will also be waiting to hear your report on the Beike Gimbal. I looked at them on various occasions on Amazon and get various results by source, etc. It seems to be one with various names stuck on it. Your input will be appreciated for sure.


Senior Member
the kenko adapters have arrived , there not bad considering they are obviously quite old , they work but now I've got re learn focusing with them and they seem to work best with my sigma telephoto, and yes they autofocus and everything else on the D5300


Senior Member
I had been editing videos using CyberLink's PowerDirector 14, which the only problem I have encountered was rendering thumbnail videos of 4k files. The video would freeze and stutter while the file rolled merrily on, playing audio perfectly. If I stopped the playback, it would not stop at the point in the file it was playing. It was maddening trying to edit 4k video, especially when I was trying to synch it to additional audio tracks and videos.

Yesterday, I got an email from CyberLink offering me an upgrade to PD15 for fifty bucks. On a lark, I tried it.

So far, it seems to render 4k videos as smooth as silk.

I also got a bunch of other editing software as part of the suite. Like PhotoDirector 8, which appears to have some nice portrait editing features for skin, hair, teeth and eyes.


Senior Member
Well I GIVE UP !! With the Proton, that car is just annoying me, whatever I try there is still a misfire on the engine !!

So I sacked it off and stuck it on eBay.

I knew of a Volswagen Golf going locally and after speaking to the owner it had a coolant leak... I haggled him down and when I got home I found out it was just the pipe going from the expansion bottle to the engine #BARGAIN

Just need to sort out the plates to the original ones but it only cost me £380/$470 and £15 for the pipe !!

My new computer is fantastic and very fast. The only problem I have with it is that since it is a gaming computer there was no Media card reader built in and the external ones suck. SO I have just ordered a USB 3.0 Super Speed 74-In-1 3.5-Inch Internal Flash Media Card Reader/writer with USB 3.0 Port. There are two external bays that I can install it so it should be a easy install .


Senior Member
Added the 24-120 f/4 to my lens collection. Heading down to Mexico next month and needed more reach than my 24-70 or 24-85. I'll be shooting an employee's wedding while we're there but I want to travel light, so I'm hoping the 24-120 will allow me to leave my 24-70 & 70-200 at home (I'll take my 70-300 for any tele needs). Anybody have this lens and love it?

Added the 24-120 f/4 to my lens collection. Heading down to Mexico next month and needed more reach than my 24-70 or 24-85. I'll be shooting an employee's wedding while we're there but I want to travel light, so I'm hoping the 24-120 will allow me to leave my 24-70 & 70-200 at home (I'll take my 70-300 for any tele needs). Anybody have this lens and love it?

View attachment 240550

I have it for my D750. It is a great all around lens. I use it a good bit depending on what I am shooting. Recently I tend to have my 16-28 on the camera more often but I shoot a lot of landscapes and interior architecture photos where the wide angle is more needed.
I do love the 24-120 though.
I have had two ...give it a good work out on the focus ..far /near/far near for at least 10 min to run in the mechanism before you set the fine focus adjust . Check it at various focal lengths and if not consistent send it back to Nikon for adjustment.Many have been transformed by such a trip . I sold both


Senior Member
Picked up a new bag. Got here yesterday. It is a messenger bag style and it is just what I was looking for. It will hold the D7200 with the grip and the Tamron 70-200 f2.8, Sigma 10-20 f 3.5, and the Tamron 28-75 2.8 lenses. There is just enough room to hold the 70-200 mounted. But it will likely more often be one of the other lenses.

Altra Rise 38.jpg
Altra Rise 38-2.png


Senior Member
Ordered a Debao Su-800 unit off ebay what seemed to be ages ago, and it arrived just after the holidays. Excited to play around with it as the reviews I read were great.



Senior Member
Thanks for the recommendations - decided to get a Nikon 1 J5 for the Children's Centre where I work. The P100 we have is so poor at autofocus we get more blurry shots than keepers. This one I hear is supposed to be super fast at autofocus. So while it is the latest purchase I made - does it count if I bought it with the corporate credit card?
I will be using it i am sure.


Scott Murray

Senior Member
Well I kind a bought a few things :)

A new 38.5inch Samsung monitor. Makes my iMac 5k look small.

DSC_0291 by Scott Murray, on Flickr

A new comfy chair :)

DSC_0292 by Scott Murray, on Flickr

2 x 4TB seagate backup plus slim SDD's

DSC_0293 by Scott Murray, on Flickr

A Targus 7 x USB 3.0 hub

DSC_0294 by Scott Murray, on Flickr

A DSLR manfrotto travel tripod, can handle a D810 with battery pack and 70-200 f2.8

DSC_0295 by Scott Murray, on Flickr

DSC_0296 by Scott Murray, on Flickr

DSC_0297 by Scott Murray, on Flickr