Post your flower pics


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Senior Member
Another Pink Water Lilly from Brookgreen Gardens. My intention for this image was a lot different than the final result. I shot 9 images of this scene with the intent of focus stacking so just the Lilies were in focus but the rest was soft. Mother Nature intervened however and a slight breeze moved the blooms but not the lily pads. I had a bad feeling from the start on this one. Subsequently I got some pretty bad ghosting that would have been major PITA to fix in Photoshop so I just picked the first image and went with it from there.

Btw, if you know me, you know I simply can't be bothered with changing the "Non-CPU" data on the camera so the EXIF is AFU. This was actually the 200mm f/2 ED IF AIS Nikkor at f/2.8

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