Post your flower pics


Senior Member
Looks like everyone is bringing their "A" game this morning.
I'm gonna have to step up to the plate and swing away.:)







Senior Member
When one thinks of cattails, you really do not think of flowers per se, however the "spikes" are their flowers and contain the seeds.

I photographed this stand of backlit cattails about 20 years ago. In my mind's eye, when I converted everything to black and white, the thing that struck me the most was the lack of many middle tones. There were the highlighted spikes (which had lost many of their seeds) which fell around Zone VIII or IX, the background which fell around Zone III and the stalks which fell around Zone IV. It has almost an abstract "Chalk and Charcoal" quality to it.

Nikon F2, 300mm f/4.5 AIS Nikkor and Plus-X film rated at ASA 64
