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  • I got the Tokina 12-24mm f/4 AT-X Pro DX Zoom Digital Lens for Nikon AF Mount. It just came yesterday and I only had time to run out back and snap a pic of the sunset. See them in the 10-24mm thread. Not as good as I will get later with a better subject and tripod and, hopefully, long exposure. I am very happy with the lens. I like that there is little to no distortion at 17mm yet I will be able to get some different perspectives on other subjects. It's heavy but I am confident it was a good deal at $319. My Mom got the less expensive converter ($19) and is getting some nice effects but not exactly what I was looking for.
    Lauya, I am curious what you ended up doing about the lens. If you got it, how are you liking it? I found that it is nice to have the extra wide lens available but I have also found that I rarely use it. Jeff
    Thanks Jeff. I have specific locations and ideas that will require about a 17mm setting. I see B&H has used lenses too. I might go that route. There is one for $316. Thanks again Jeff!
    Lscha, I am not familiar with this lens but I did some research on the internet and it should work just fine with your Nikon D7000. The reviews that I have read seem pretty good. I did a quick check and you can get that lens brand new with free shipping and the warranty from B&H Camera or Adorama for $449.00. I know that is a little more but you will also have a new lens that includes a warranty. I have a Sigma 10-20mm lens and I am very happy with it but I will have to say that even though I thought I really needed the wider angle for landscapes that I find that I hardly ever use it. For me if something happened to my lens I would not bother replacing it due to vary rarely using it. Hope this has been of some help and feel free to contact me any time and I will try and help you if I can. Jeff Impey
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