Post your FAVORITE photo to date.


Senior Member

This photo was taken at Lilacia Park in Southwestern suburb of Chicago this past May. My wife loves lilacs, and we visit this park every year in April/May when the lilacs and other spring flowers are in bloom. My son was approaching his third birthday at the time. You never know how kids take instruction, especially with picture taking. He did rather well, but I always keep my camera on continuous AF and the motor drive on continuous low with him. He just happened to look out in the distance and I snapped away. The colors were beautiful, but I wanted to see it it black & white. This was the result after adjustments in Adobe Lightroom 3.
50mm @ f/4


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Happily retired
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Here's mine. It was a tough decision to make and even now I'm not that sure. There are a few that could be here instead.

busy bee 1 051.jpg


Senior Member
How do you tell a story that would mean as much to others as it means to me. This was taken last February at my Mom and Dad's 65th Wedding anniversary. It was the first time in many years we have been able to get all four generations together at the same time.

Anniversary (1 of 1).jpg


Senior Member
Nice family shot. Now for the big question: which one is you! :) I'm going to make a gut call're kneeling down in the front at the right, in the blue jacket. :)


Senior Member
Nice family shot. Now for the big question: which one is you! :) I'm going to make a gut call're kneeling down in the front at the right, in the blue jacket. :)

Sorry, I'm the guy in the center of the back row. I'm naturally camera shy, so I usually hide in the back, or am behind the lens.


Super Mod
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Super Mod
I was stationed in South Korea in 1983 and 1984. One of my close friends was into photography and saw me playing around with a Kodak pocket camera. He talked me into buying my first SLR, a Pentax Super Program. The base I was at had a great photography setup at the rec center where you could develop both B&W and color, but only print B&W. One day it was snowing like crazy and we were playing around with long exposures: tripods, cable releases, the whole deal. I saw this tree and wanted to try to capture it. I shot most of a roll of 36 exposures from different angles. Just as I was beginning to break it down, I saw someone walking down the middle of the road and captured this final image. I had it printed downtown in color. I remember that I used a 28mm/f2.8 but the rest of the exposure info is lost. I think I might have used bulb mode, but I'm not sure. The image below is a scan of the original print.

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Snow White
I love the story that goes with this as much as I love this shot. The lighting is exquisite and that "walker" is exactly that extra "oomph" that makes this photo pop. Thanks for sharing, Eduard.

Best Regards


Senior Member

I believe it's a Joshua tree - I took this picture in Carefree or Cave Creek, AZ. I forget which. Probably one of my favorites of all time that's not family.
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Tom Grove

Senior Member
Horse Rider Jumping Post in HDR.jpg

I have a couple that are very close to this one in my heart... This was shot at 10mm so I am very close, and the rider miscalculated the jump a bit and the angle put her even closer to me. When I shot this, I had no idea just how close they came to me until everybody watching asked if I was ok. So I love this shot because of the element of danger, but it was also one of the 1st HDR shots I put together. I love sports and action, plus HDR photography really excites me. And lastly, the girl in the photo really loved the shot, and just seeing the joy it brought her really made me love photography even more.


Senior Member
View attachment 241162

I have a couple that are very close to this one in my heart... This was shot at 10mm so I am very close, and the rider miscalculated the jump a bit and the angle put her even closer to me. When I shot this, I had no idea just how close they came to me until everybody watching asked if I was ok. So I love this shot because of the element of danger, but it was also one of the 1st HDR shots I put together. I love sports and action, plus HDR photography really excites me. And lastly, the girl in the photo really loved the shot, and just seeing the joy it brought her really made me love photography even more.

nice California sky there Tom, looks like this today too. lol

JH Foto

Senior Member
020 copycroc111_edited-2 copy.jpg
While Crocodile watching from a boat on a river in Queensland Australia the ranger on our boat was enticing the Crocs with a piece of pork and getting them to do this, I consider this a very lucky shot. The estimated lenght of the Croc was 3.5 meters our boat was only just bigger.


Senior Member
This shot of Miss M wasn't planned. I was trying out a new lens, Nikon 80-400 AF-S. I was taking test shots off the back porch.
Washington's crummy weather chased me back inside.

I came in and noticed Miss M laying on the landing at the top of the stairs. For once she wasn't running away from the camera so I took a couple shots.
This was one of them.



Senior Member
This is the " a picture is worth a thousand words " and it brings me a smile every time I look at it.

Self Portrait.jpg
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Senior Member
Challenge Team
I'm sure glad that this thread was brought back to the forefront. I had to go through it all because I don't think I saw it before. Some great photos and stories have been shared. The only regret is that many who posted here we don't see activity from now.

And just a side note: @DonnieZ, your shot is definitely a Cholla cactus commonly known as a "Jumping Cactus" When you get too close to one, the rascal seems to jump out and stick you. I have had many close encounters with them. Ha!!