Piperbarb's 2014 Project 365


Senior Member

Talk about cloudy, dreary day... No sunshine, just grey clouds. Somehow, I do not know how good old Punxatawney Phil saw his shadow today when there was no sunshine... At least where I live. :) Anyway, I decided that today was a texture day. This is the melting snow on the barn roof. I did convert it to B&W, which let me increase the contrast a little.

White & Grey
033 Snow on Roof-140202_01.jpg


Senior Member

Today was probably the worst day of my life. My husband, Gary, passed this afternoon. He had been in a lot of pain due to over a decade of living with occipital neuropathy. I did manage to get one photo just because I needed something to keep me grounded, even if just for a few minutes. I am dedicating this to Gary, the love of my life that I have lost.

For the Love of My Life. I Will Miss You Always
View attachment 68011

Barbara, I am so sorry for your loss. I just came across your post. My thoughts are still with you.


Senior Member

Ah, it's Monday, so it must be photography class. During photography class, we took photos inside the school. The IA (Industrial Arts: AKA "Shop Class") was a big hit. While the kids were annoying their peers with taking photos, I took a photo of the band saw. Converting it to B&W, and a little cropping really made a difference. I have to go back for more photos. I only had my Nikkor AF 85mm f/1.8 lens with me, but it came out okay. I do really like that lens and should try to use it more often.

Saw, Saw... Cut That Wood
034 IA-140203_01.jpg


Senior Member

Waiting for the snow to start. We are supposed to get 8 - 12" by tomorrow evening. In the meantime, I took this photo a skein of very pretty hand-dyed cotton yarn that a friend gave me.

035 Yarn-140204_01.jpg

Ah, it's Monday, so it must be photography class. During photography class, we took photos inside the school. The IA (Industrial Arts: AKA "Shop Class") was a big hit. While the kids were annoying their peers with taking photos, I took a photo of the band saw. Converting it to B&W, and a little cropping really made a difference. I have to go back for more photos. I only had my Nikkor AF 85mm f/1.8 lens with me, but it came out okay. I do really like that lens and should try to use it more often.

Saw, Saw... Cut That Wood
View attachment 70759


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Senior Member

10 inches of snow later, and waiting to get plowed out. :) I should be dug out in another hour or so. Anyway, I always love the way snow sticks to things. This is the back of a wooden bench.

036 Snow-140205_01.jpg