So, it's old and a bit obsolete by many standards, but I recently decided to get into photography at a beginning hobbyist level (and to stop just snapping away with my phone). I started with a D7000 and a Nikkor 18-105mm lens and then picked up a D200 a bit later. I don't shoot much at night or indoors (lots of flowers, landscapes and buildings mostly), so I haven't had a lot of trouble with needing a high ISO, and I've found myself using the D200 a lot and more than the D7000.
I picked up a 50mm 1.8 to go with it and have been using that as well (and it was a very good addition). I'm learning more and more as I go, but overall the D200 really is just pleasure. I'm definitely no Pro, but I like the images I'm getting out of it already
Should add, the D200 I have only has 23K shutter clicks, so I'm hoping I can take it quite a ways while learning
I picked up a 50mm 1.8 to go with it and have been using that as well (and it was a very good addition). I'm learning more and more as I go, but overall the D200 really is just pleasure. I'm definitely no Pro, but I like the images I'm getting out of it already
Should add, the D200 I have only has 23K shutter clicks, so I'm hoping I can take it quite a ways while learning
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