My new project


Senior Member
I have an exciting new project starting very soon. A doctor friend of mine told me about a new addition to the hospital at which she works and asked me if I would be interested in covering the very spacious and empty walls there. Of course I said yes, so she suggested her idea to the powers that be and they agreed! I will go see the addition in about two weeks to see just how much space I need to fill and talk to her more about what sort of photos they might want to see and other details. So far she is thinking about local stuff from the immediate neighborhood around the hospital, and then some Baltimore city stuff. I am going to start putting together a portfolio for this project with new photos and some of my favorites that I already have. I’m also thinking about some of my bright colorful flower shots to add to the collection. This is the fun part, the photography. What I don’t know yet is what exactly they expect of me (besides providing photos) and I will find out soon enough. Things that are going through my head are: Should I frame and mat them myself? If I were hiring me I think I would expect that. Should I take a tape measure to measure the walls? The artist in me wants to wing it, but I work for an engineering firm so that part of me thinks I should measure. Maybe we can do canvas prints, how big should they be? Should I add my watermark to the photos or just create a wall tag to go along with them? I wonder what the color palette and other décor will be like. I have no idea what to charge for this. I wonder when they will want this done. (Again, I will find most of this out soon, but I can’t help but wonder) I will need to do some research, and probably walk around other hospitals. What is especially exciting for me is that this is like having a gallery showing, but it’s always up! People will see my work, and hopefully enjoy it! I have also been working on a project for her home which is pretty cool. For a windowless wall in her dining room she is having me take photos of the trees in her yard that stand outside on the other side of that wall every season. So she will have 4 large (30 x50) canvas prints of her trees in every season by the end of spring. That’s if we get a good snow this year, if not I will have to do the winter one next year. She has gotten the Summer one printed and I haven’t seen it but everyone is telling me it’s awesome, which I am thrilled about. So I just wanted to share, and any thoughts or suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. (I don't know how to make paragraphs here... sorry)


This is pretty exciting. I'm sure you are going to do well on this project. Here is what I see - framing and matting these prints is going to cost big bucks! Hopefully they will want a portfolio and then pay for the framing and matting themselves.

I love the idea of canvas prints. Maybe you could also do some metal prints!

I definately would measure the spaces. I definately would take some pictures of the spaces themselves.

Carolina Photo Guy

Senior Member
If I may make a suggestion.

Go ahead and measure the walls. If you decide to wing it, then don't use the measurements.

But, if midway through winging it you decide to use a measured grid, then you won't look like an amateur having to go back and measure.

Add your watermark. Its very good free advertising.

If you're doing any panoramics, make them BIG! Pannys are wide open spaces. Big shows off the details.

Frame and mat yourself. This is a hospital. You, essentially are being asked to decorate this space. Why ask THEM to do part of YOUR job?

I'm damn proud for you girl! Good on ya!!

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Senior Member
i have the same kind of project here. a real estate broker is remodeling on my route and wants to make large prints of my city shots. she is going to buy my prints and do the decorating herself. Congrats jen!


Senior Member
I'm wondering...what kind of an addition is it? A children's ward? Maybe some shots of kids having fun. Maternity ward? Perhaps a few shots of some happy mothers talking with each other, showing happy faces. Get the idea here? :)

Above all...congratulations, Jen. This shows how far your work has progressed, doesn't it? :) As for how much to charge....I'd start by finding out how much it's going to cost to get those prints to the sizes of the measured spaces on the walls, then add 30% for your profit. Just a suggestion, of course.


Happily retired
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Super Mod
Great news Jen. Give it your best and enjoy the ride and the experience. You'll grow up and learn a lot in the process.
Congratulations again!


Senior Member
Thanks everyone, The building is the "Medical Arts building".
I will have more information next week, then I can get more excited! :)


Snow White
Jen, this is wonderful news. Congratulations! This will be wonderful experience and I am so glad that your talent is being recognized. Way to go!


Senior Member
Thanks Helene!

So I saw the space today, and boy are there a lot of walls to fill! Its a family practice building, part of it is a newly renovated space and part is an older and actively in use space that they are re-painting. Currently they have out dated hotel style prints on the walls, with ugly frames from the 80's. I didn't measure because there was too much going on, but I am going to look into getting some architectural floor plans.

The space consists of long hallways, lots of exam rooms, nurses stations, 2 waiting rooms, offices, lunch room, and a conference room.

The walls will all be painted beige, they are currently mint-green. In the new exam rooms they have different colored accent walls, so that will be fun to add some contrasting color. I am going to go with black frames, different styles maybe. I think black is classic and timeless. I'm going to do all kinds of stuff. Bright flowers for some exam rooms and some animals from the Baltimore Zoo in others. 50% of the patients are kids. I will also use a bunch of Baltimore and Local photos based on input from employees, and what I've got or think would be appropriate and also a bunch of outdoorsy - nature kind of photos. We're going with black and white photos for the conference room, for a professional feel.
The older part has sections that are designated by letters A, B, C, and D so for the entrance to these parts I am going to do a letter (corresponding with that section) like when we did the alphabet challenge.

I'm getting together a portfolio so she can take it in an get some opinions and periodically give her more, and that way we can involve everyone and it will give me a better idea of what people want to see. I don't really have a deadline, so I think I'll do a little bit at a time.

So does anyone know where I can get some pretty good black frames in bulk?

Also, I think I will invest in a mat cutter.

Thanks for reading, I'm very excited!


New member
Congrats!! I have done something similar a couple of times in the past. I always measured everything... I am very particular about everything looking just right.
For frames in bulk, try a local frame shop, or Ben Franklin crafts if you have one of those stores nearby.


Senior Member
So, here's an update (if you care to read) :) I got floor plans and I have come up with estimates for each of the Medical Arts building. I came up with about 101 (41 for the new side and 60 for the older side) total framed photos. Both estimates have been approved. So far I have delivered 27 to them, so I am more than half way done the first side. We went around and put sticky notes on the walls last night for their maintenance guys to hang them starting today. Every time I go there people seem so excited and are always complimenting my work, It makes me feel so great. They all have great suggestions and some want to buy my stuff for their homes. I have been getting all of the frames from Micheal's and most of them are already matted, just the 24x36 ones are not. I may end up clearing them out of all of their frames by the time I'm finished. All but one of my prints have been done by Costco and I am very happy with their quality, they don't do all sizes so for one print so far I have used Nations. Nations is way more expensive than Costco and the quality really isn't a whole lot better, though they are very nice people there and a have a neat office. This Saturday, weather permitting, I am going on a helicopter ride to get photos of Baltimore and the stadiums from above. I am very excited for that. I haven't had to purchase a mat cutter (which is good because I don't think I would be very good at cutting my own mats.) I am hoping to be finished this project by the end of summer. We will be having a gallery opening when it is complete (with wine, it will be fancy). :) I want to thank everyone here for helping me out since I joined. I have learned so much from you all and I would probably not be doing this had I not joined Nikonites.


Awesome I am so excited for you on this know this could be a huge break for you...imagine quitting your become a professional photographer! :)


Senior Member
I wish! Maybe in the future I could go part time at my day job so I can spend more time on photography. I was hoping to win the lotto last week so I could open up a photography studio... but no such luck. ;)More good news though. I will have my own booth at an arts and crafts festival this September. I am certainly keeping busy and trying to get my photography and name out there. If anyone has done a craft fair before any advice is welcome.Thanks!

Carolina Photo Guy

Senior Member
Shrinkwrap your photography. Everyone will want to See, Smell, Taste, Hear and TOUCH!

Keep EVERYTHING out of direct sunlight. Condensation is MURDER on photography!

Enjoy yourself. This is going to be a lot of fun for you!

Best of luck. :)


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
How nice to see thing turn out great for you Jen. Perseverance pays off. Now remember, this is only the beginning, fame and money shouldn't be too far behind. Keep up the great work.