My name is _______ and I am overweight


Senior Member
you can do it "Fatty", i got the same news a few months ago, was told i was pre diabetic, hyper tension and obese, uric acid and cholesterol level were high, so i went on my 1st diet, i have lost 38lbs so far, BP was 160/94 109, now at 117/73 58, doc was real pleased with that, weight down from 260 to 222, cholesterol was 217 now normal, Uric acid (Gout) 9.9 now 6.3, everything has been taken of my medical record except my BMI and gout.

Changes i made were, no more fast food or diet sodas, cut out pototoes, white rice and white bread, drink only water (never drank tea of coffee anyway). Normal days food consumtion is Bran flakes low fat milk, Salad sandwich on 100% whole grain wheat, soup and a round of wheat bread for tea, snacks are an apple, pear and a activa yogurt, once a week i have a cheese burger for a treat, no fries. Dont really miss fries now, do miss my chips (crisps). Doing 2 hours of bike riding every sat and sun, up to 16 miles each morning, i have my old camera bag attached to the bike, so i stop whenever i see something to shot at, i try and walk 30 mins each night taking pictures.

People (or friends @mikew lol) are noticing it now, i see it in my face, only have 2 chins now lol, pants are down 2 sizes and i had to make new holes in my belt. So get at it mate and stick to it, you can do it.
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Senior Member
I am also trying to loose weight and 50 Lbs. would be brilliant for me to loose

I also have bad knees so a lot of exercise I not easy for me

All the best Don
I have a bad knee, waiting for an operation to sort it. I swim, walk in the water (good resistance work and no high impact on the joints)... my gym has some great equipment for people with bad knees... but most of my changes have been from working with free-weights... they have strengthened the muscles, even around the knees... when I go for my walks at the weekend, my knee is strapped.

10 Gauge

Senior Member
Don't feel too horrible Don. I'm only 32 years old and weigh 390lbs, on high blood pressure meds, and have psoriasis badly. I've tried dieting and I don't have the self control to make it work. I think the only thing that would work for me at this point is some form of bariatric surgery. The recent loss of my son has not helped my comfort eating, either.....

I wish you luck on your weight loss journey. I wish it were an easier thing to get a handle on!
I started drinking Cole Zero since it was 0 calories thinking that would be good for me. Or at least better than regular coke. At least I can still eat bacon.

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Senior Member
Wow. Now I don't feel so alone. I've been trying diets for years, and the only one that worked was Weight Watchers. I did that back in the late 80's, and I went from 220 down to 165. I felt like crap, and my Dr. told me to put on a few. So I went up to 175, and I felt better.Then to 185, and even better yet.Next thing you know, I'm at 240 and feeling like crap again. So recently, I've lost 10, and I plan on another 30 or 35. At 6ft, I feel my ideal weight is 185 - 195.
Thanks for starting this thread, [MENTION=6277]Don Kuykendall[/MENTION]. I really think many of us are breathing a collective sigh of relief for not feeling so alone in this battle. Maybe a thread in off topic about progress for those that want to join in?


Senior Member
Whats the "new" coke.. I thought that was supposed to be better? Over in the UK it has a green label, but not being a coke drinker, I havent a clue what its called


Senior Member
Good luck, Don. A big part of the equation is exercise. It doesn't have to be hard core, just keeping active and burning more calories than you take in. Since my last knee surgery I have learned the value of just getting out and walking.

I really need to cut back on sugar, it's my weakness. This thread might help me to re-remember all the bad things I know about sugar. :)


^ broke something
Staff member
They have found that diet drinks are as bad for you as regular drinks

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Yep! Fake sugar just makes you want more sugar and food. Aspartame and Sucralose are terrible for you.

FYI, Over a 3 year span I lost 50lbs. A lot of it was from eating out a lot, sugar, and not moving. I cut out all soda drinks, don't put sugar in my coffee anymore, generally just ate better, ran at least 9 miles a week in-between training for two half marathons. Obviously running isn't for everyone, but generally just moving more helps a ton.

Good luck Don!


Senior Member
Whats the "new" coke.. I thought that was supposed to be better? Over in the UK it has a green label, but not being a coke drinker, I havent a clue what its called
Coke Life. I think its some sort of drink that has extract of plants. I guess they're aiming it at health conscious., a new drink for the next Coke Cola Generation. It does have sugar in though i think.
I have to say, i'm a bit bewildered by the fact that Coke Zero is not good on a diet, as it has no calorific content. I used to drink Coke quite regularly, but moved onto Coke Zero, but prefer Pepsi Max. Since drinking these, i can no longer drink regular Coke or Pepsi, they just taste too sweet. I'm not on a diet btw


Senior Member
Best of luck Don. Can I also suggest an app like Myfitnesspal to help you keep rit cord of what you eat. Its a great way of seeing what nutritional value is in your foods, calories etc.

Remeber fat isn't the enemy in food as has been spun for decades. In fact the body and brain needs fat to stay healthy. Set yourself a realistic daily calorie amount that you can manage over the long term and try and stick to it and get your balanced diet at the same time. That's where the likes of Myfitnesspal are great.

Cut up down on the sugar as much as possible. Cut out breakfast cereals which are all laced with sugar.

Oh and eat plenty of eggs. Natures best fast food.


Senior Member
Best of luck Don. Can I also suggest an app like Myfitnesspal to help you keep rit cord of what you eat. Its a great way of seeing what nutritional value is in your foods, calories etc.

Remeber fat isn't the enemy in food as has been spun for decades. In fact the body and brain needs fat to stay healthy. Set yourself a realistic daily calorie amount that you can manage over the long term and try and stick to it and get your balanced diet at the same time. That's where the likes of Myfitnesspal are great.

Cut up down on the sugar as much as possible. Cut out breakfast cereals which are all laced with sugar.

Oh and eat plenty of eggs. Natures best fast food.
A second recomendation for myfitnesspal. I used it for a couple of years, and I will start to use it again when I have the motivation to watch my diet once more (too much other poop happening in my life, my diet will have to wait for now)


Senior Member
it ain't fun getting old. Humor helps. 11709513_771578576280411_3919890610153184492_n.jpg


Senior Member
I can't even kick the soda. I drink a 2 liter of Mountain Dew a day...its horrible.

Good luck and Keep us updated with how it goes, could be the motivation I need.


Senior Member
I KNOW I NEED IT. Lose around 80 pounds. But working on the road an having only certain places to eat.
Good luck with it Don. I hear if you walk alot that is just as good as running. Of course it should be at a very fast pace.


Senior Member
Luck to ya friend, and to me too, as I just started the fight again in earnest! I've got 55 to lose, as I think 6'4" and 235 would be pretty durn healthy. ;)
Wow. Now I don't feel so alone.
Thanks for starting this thread, @Don Kuykendall. I really think many of us are breathing a collective sigh of relief for not feeling so alone in this battle. Maybe a thread in off topic about progress for those that want to join in?

I had to think about starting this for a while but realized that there are people on here that even if they are not in the same boat they are for the most part very supportive people. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone and hopefully get some pats on the back when you do good and some encouragement when things just don't do good. I plan on posting the good and the bad in this thread and would encourage anyone that wants to join in our "Little" group to come on down.

If you are bald then you do get extra credit.