Moab Man 2015 Photo Collection

Moab Man

Senior Member
Sick and feeling under the weather. However, I didn't let that stop me and went out to shoot for a bit.



Moab Man

Senior Member
A bit of fall color mixed with spring color. Although, we are in the early part of February and should be freezing. Instead we were in the high high 60's. Between the warmth and the sunlight there is a little bit of greeening going on in the algae.



Moab Man

Senior Member
Struggled trying to come up with an entry for "Bark" for my Area 52 Project. This one I thought turned out nice with the light filtering through.


Moab Man

Senior Member
This shot amused me. First, I was surprised at how clean it was being shot at ISO 800 on my D7100. Second, as I'm looking around the image I realize there is a spoon in the image.


Moab Man

Senior Member
Shooting today with my 300mm f/4.

A number of individual photos with this lens are following with comments on each photo and the exif data attached.

Cropped out about a third of the photo. The goose just didn't come in that close. Love the color of the water. The blue is from the overhead sky and the gold is from the bushy reeds that grow along the sides of the pond combined with time of day and sun position.
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Moab Man

Senior Member
Shooting today with my 300mm f/4.

Not much of a crop on these two. Mostly off the side to get it to an 8x10 format.

This one had a lot less natural contrast to it's feathers - soft transitions.
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Moab Man

Senior Member
Shooting today with my 300mm f/4.

This one was completely recovered and pulled from the shadows. Hard hard lighting conditions. 1/3 cropped out due to distance. Very happy with it.

Moab Man

Senior Member
Shooting today with my 300mm f/4.

HEAVY cropping on this one shot through the brush. The lens worked very well focusing in combination with the D7100 shooting in crop mode. The D7100 has an outstanding focus system that worked smoothly with the lens.

Interesting thing is that these birds, the species, was imported to the U.S. in the late 1800's. There were 100 of them and they thrived very well and have covered most of the U.S.

Moab Man

Senior Member
Shooting today with my 300mm f/4.

I wished this one had given me a better line of sight. Unfortunately it did not. Heavy heavy cropping - a little more than 2/3 cropped out and shot in D7100 crop mode.


Moab Man

Senior Member
Shooting today with my 300mm f/4.

This one was not cropped and shot with the Nikon 1.7 teleconvertor. Pleasantly surprised at how well it did. It seems this teleconvertor does not like trying to bring in small detail on a small target. However, bringing in a larger target it seems to really work well.

Moab Man

Senior Member
Shooting today with my 300mm f/4.

These were shot in different locations with the 1.7 teleconvertor. First one in the shade away from the reeds, second out on the pond closer to the golden colored reeds. Cropped to an 8x10 versus 8x12, otherwise no cropping.

Shot at a distance of about 10 feet.

Shot 30-40 feet out.
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