Manhole Covers Plus

Michael J.

Senior Member
This completes the manhole covers as seen on my morning bike ride. Now I can look for interesting stuff on my morning ride instead of looking down. Yes, I do the same route every morning.

You'll have a lots of stops :) But I think the stops are good for us to get great pics as you posted already.


Senior Member

you should see all the looks i've been getting from people in cars, wondering what she's doing taking pictures of that. Chris said i'll probably be taking pictures of fire hydrants next.

thanks sam!
you need a shirt with "water inspector" and town logo. :)


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Hmmmm. I am going to have to start paying attention to them, you never know. Pensacola is actually the very first Spanish settlement (1559) when they got to the New World. The Indians and a hurricane ran them off, however, so they sailed around the peninsula and landed in St. Augustine which is our first permanent settlement. We did celebrate our 450th anniversary four years ago, though. We are known as the city of Five Flags (Spanish, French, British, Confederate and Union). Our Catholic cemetery downtown is one of the oldest in our country. Both UWF (Univ. of West FL) and FSU archeological teams have done many digs in our downtown area and unearthed quite a number of very old artifacts from the earliest Spanish settlements. Our oldest standing building dates to around 1650 or so and is in the middle of our Historical District.
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i always laugh when i see the yellow lines on these covers and someone has lifted them and replaced them out of alignment.


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I never paid attention to manhole covers until reading this thread! So far I haven't found anything out of the ordinary. :(

Marilynne, the first thing that popped into my mind after seeing your image is the poem that contains "Water, water, every where, nor any drop to drink" from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. :)