Impressive high ISO performance

Moab Man

Senior Member

I have been waiting to see if the D500 can deliver on it's high ISO performance. Now that a few of them have hit the street we are now seeing real world images. I am very impressed. Using a donated photo I decided to do a quick noise clean, once with Nik Tools Dfine and then a mask on the sharp focus areas, as I would normally do and see how it looks. No other editing.

First image is with full noise and untouched from the raw file. ISO 5600

Second image is processed with Nik Tools Dfine and a masking out of the Dfine over the sharp areas of the flower.

I am planning to do some test photos with my D7100 and my D600 in a similar photo setup for further comparison.

Looking at an image on the internet that is converted to jpeg and then uploaded and processed to post on a webpage can do a lot to change things. My own observation is that the noise level is excellent and easily manageable even at ISO 5600. My initial impression is that the noise associated with DX sensors doesn't have to be if a manufacturer wants to eliminate it. Of course that adds to the price.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Maybe it's just me and my monitor, but to be honest... I don't see a significant difference between the the two images you posted...

Did you do the test using RAW files, or Jpeg files...

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Maybe it's just me and my monitor, but to be honest... I don't see a significant difference between the the two images you posted...
It's not just you/your monitor.

I've checked this thread from both my home computer and my office computer and I don't see any real difference between the two images either.


Senior Member
It looks like to me minute color noise. Not necessarily a bad thing, but how are the shots below 5600? at lower iso


Senior Member
I'm able to see the noise that you're alluding to in the background of the original image, particularly in the bright portion above the flower. Not sure how it compares to other cameras, but what I found impressive was how well you were able to eliminate the noise in post processing!


Senior Member
I'm pretty interested in the ISO performance between the D500 and the D7100. I have been waiting for some YouTube reviews but not many out yet.

I am just about ready to pull the trigger and upgrade to this but I need that final nudge. My only fear is that the D500 will not produce any significant improvements in IQ / ISO versus the D7100. I have heard its on par with the D7200 in Mid range ISO.

I would just make the jump to the D810 as they are pretty decently priced now but I know as soon as I get it the D900 will be announced. Plus I have to factor in the cost of lens conformity. I.e. 17-55 to 24-70.

I guess I'll wait for the reviews unless anyone can post some comparison images???

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TL Robinson

Senior Member
Ok best I can do on short notice....these are both ISO6400 of the same object - not a lot of science in setting it up so I may put more effort in this tomorrow - first is D500 second is D7100 I believe:




Senior Member
@Jonahex2099: thanks for posting. The D500 pics seem warmer and darker than the D7100. There appear to be minor differences in grain level (e.g. in the column in the background), but I wouldn't call them earth shattering.

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TL Robinson

Senior Member
@Jonahex2099: thanks for posting. The D500 pics seem warmer and darker than the D7100. There appear to be minor differences in grain level (e.g. in the column in the background), but I wouldn't call them earth shattering.

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No problem...glad to help...what I've noticed, and from what I've seen posted elsewhere - the D500 is hard to beat at higher ISO's. These weren't perfect comparisons by any means - sort of impromptu...I may do a more solid comparison tomorrow. :D

When you start zooming in you'll see that the color separation is greater on the D7100 where the D500 is a lot cleaner (not that I pixel peep) The difference to me is more of a grainy feel .vs noise...


Senior Member
@Jonahex2099 are those 100% crops?
If not, Could you upload one or two?

The D500 seams to have slightly less noise then the D7100 at low ISO, But that 25K one is not even close.

Thanks for the quick tests.


Staff member
Super Mod
More....both at ISO25600, keep in mind that max native on the D7100 is ISO6400, 25600 is considered Hi02....

Same order, D500, then D7100:

View attachment 209135

View attachment 209136

Is it possible to put the cameras on a tripod and use manual mode for both? The shutter speeds are different which makes the exposures slightly different between the photos. Even the focal lengths in this set are different (100mm vs. 86mm). Shutter speeds were different in other examples, too. Thanks!

TL Robinson

Senior Member
Is it possible to put the cameras on a tripod and use manual mode for both? The shutter speeds are different which makes the exposures slightly different between the photos. Even the focal lengths in this set are different (100mm vs. 86mm). Shutter speeds were different in other examples, too. Thanks!

Both cameras were in manual - I adjusted for exposure on each watching the meter .vs trusting my eye thus the different shutter speeds.

Yeah I said these weren't exact and a bit rushed.... :D and I noticed the focal length on the last one after the fact.... :)

I plan on doing this again today, but just the 25600 ones, and with a different lens....I may even toss in a full frame (In crop mode and FF) comparison.

TL Robinson

Senior Member
@Jonahex2099 are those 100% crops?
If not, Could you upload one or two?

The D500 seams to have slightly less noise then the D7100 at low ISO, But that 25K one is not even close.

Thanks for the quick tests.

No problem tho I think a little too quick. :D See above about the 25600 tests. :) I'm going to redo them with a different and less capable lens (in terms of aperture) and try to get more apples to least get the same focal lengths and shutter speeds if manageable...


Senior Member
Would love to see a few D500 vs D750 comparisons at 6400 ISO. I get plenty of shutter speed at overcast days for BIF shots. If the D500 matches it, I'm not going to be happy.

Thanks for doing these comparisons. We appreciate your time. You could throw in a few RAW files as well if you don't mind.:)