If you bought a D600 in the last month....


Senior Member
I hope you bought it from a place with price protection, or you have it on your credit card, because it seems the body is not long for this world and Nikon has removed it from their Minimum Advertised Price list. That means dealers can now sell below any prices we've seen thus far, and it clears the way for the expected D610 that should be announced any time now. Same holds true for the D5100.

I'm a bit disappointed that Nikon gave up on the body that quickly, but I'm sure dealers have been complaining about lack of sales due to the oil & dust issue and at least they've responded. I'm happy with mine, even though some very persistent dust showed up over the weekend (lots of outdoor shooting in fields with damp and dusty conditions, so it's not surprising).

Nikon USA removed D600 and D5100 from their MAP list | Nikon Rumors
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Staff member
Super Mod
I hope you bought it from a place with price protection, or you have it on your credit card, because it seems the body is not long for this world and Nikon has removed it from their Minimum Advertised Price list. That means dealers can now sell below any prices we've seen thus far, and it clears the way for the expected D610 that should be announced any time now. Same holds true for the D5100.

I'm a bit disappointed that Nikon gave up on the body that quickly, but I'm sure dealers have been complaining about lack of sales due to the oil & dust issue and at least they've responded. I'm happy with mine, even though some very persistent dust showed up over the weekend (lots of outdoor shooting in fields with damp and dusty conditions, so it's not surprising).

Nikon USA removed D600 and D5100 from their MAP list | Nikon Rumors

Good to know--thanks for sharing. The thing is that no one knows which stores have the bodies that supposedly don't have the problem. Granted, big name camera stores turn over stock quickly, but how do we know for sure that Nikon shipped out bodies with newer shutters, and if so, when was it done? When I bought mine in March, I was told Nikon had already shipped out ones with replacement shutters, but when I exchanged mine, I still wound up with the oil issue. Hopefully any new and improved model won't suffer from any problems, but if Nikon tweaked things and made other changes, it stands to chance that there might still be some type of issue with a newer model.

Nikon should receive my D600 today so I'm hoping to have it back within the next couple of weeks. Thank you for sharing your own experience with the shutter replacement--it's because of your willingness to share everything you went through that I decided to send mine in now rather than in the future! ;)

For those who are sitting on the fence, the camera is FANTASTIC!!! I can't wait to see how much lower in price it will go. :)


Senior Member
I hope this opens the door for the Nikon D610, as i might be willing to jump on board the full frame bandwagon.

I just discovered the D600 about 2 weeks ago along with all the controversy and that the D610 was in the wings, allegedly. If the price remains the same for the D610 I'll be ready to do the full frame also.


Senior Member
Thanks for posting this. I purchased my camera from Best Buy on the 6th and will be taking it back today. It would probably be a crap shoot on whether or not my particular camera would be problematic, but for that kind of money, I don't want to take any chances. It may be fine for a couple months, then start acting up. For Nikon to discontinue this model all-together speaks volumes.


Senior Member
They haven't discontinued it officially, just removed it from the one list (there are others, as was mentioned). No one knows when the 610 will be out, or what it will be, so my words were meant more for folks to watch out for lower advertised prices in hopes of getting a refund. You couldn't get me to return mine, even after two trips to Nikon. I have to believe that the "610" may have been meant as a "710" at some point but could have gotten rerouted because of lagging sales of the 600 due to rumors and issues and perceived issues. I have to be honest and say that 1/2 the people I've heard returning them never even had an oil issue before doing so, they just did it out of fear of what could be. Can't fault them for it, but my take is that you do that kind of research first and then don't buy if you're faint of heart.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
That was just one dealer... I'm sure there are/will be others... they'll reduce pricing to make room for the new incoming D610s... It'll take a month or two before the D610s fill the supply channel after it's announced... the price'll probably drop to the $1500 range...

Rick M

Senior Member
More interesting is how much will the D610 go for? Might be worth the gamble of waiting a bit longer. If the 610 doesn't have any significant upgrades, it will probably be about 2k. At that point it might be worth getting the D610, if you are on the fence about the D600.


Senior Member
From what I have gleaned from various forums, the D600s bought within the last three months do not have any oil/dust issues. If that is the case and there is no difference in specifications between D600 and D610, then getting a D600 at $1,500/ or so will be an excellent buy.

As has been discussed in forums, the D610 may be just a change of badge (to assure customers) and nothing else.


Happily retired
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As much as getting a clean health diagnosis from your doctor does not mean you won't get sick within the next year, a new model doesn't mean that some of them won't have problems.

So far, I'm very happy with my D600 and it has given me the opportunity to learn how to do a wet sensor clean. It did have (what I thought of dust problem), but oil… I don't think so. After some 5000 and more shots, it seems to behave quite good and I won't be sending it to Nikon so they just do a sensor clean for me. The IQ is just right for my needs.

Waiting for the perfect problem free model means that you don't need a new camera. When you do, you buy what's available.

Just another opinion from a satisfied D600 user.


Senior Member
So isn't a d600 or any other Nikon when new is in the gold box? Cause if I would buy, I would want to tell by the box it is shipped in.
I don't want a refurb camera.