D7000 Focus issues


New member
I am having the same issues with the focus on my nikon d7000 I just moved up from the d80 and never had any trouble with focus. I got the camera kit from Costco. It came with the Nikkor 18-200 VR lens. I would be very interested to know of any resolution to this problem.


Senior Member
I have had my D7000 for over a year, taken it all over the place on trips overseas, etc. I have never had a problem with mine.
I have stated this a few times on the forum. It's been a great camera, I also have a D80 & a D200 (no problems with them ever either).


Senior Member
I am having the same issues with the focus on my nikon d7000 I just moved up from the d80 and never had any trouble with focus. I got the camera kit from Costco. It came with the Nikkor 18-200 VR lens. I would be very interested to know of any resolution to this problem.

For everything I've read prior to buying my camera, it seemed that almost all of the camera purchased from Costco had this "focusing" issue. Maybe it was just a certain batch of cameras they received in store that was effected. I've had mine for a month and no issues what so ever. Purchased mine from amazon.


New member
Good news. It turns out that some of the D7000 camera's have had a legitimate focus issue. Nikon now has my camera body and lens and have been very helpful in getting the issue resolved. It is under warranty. Meanwhile I will enjoy my D80 some more. Thanks all for your posts.

Kate O'Neill

New member
I have just upgeaded to the D7000 from the D90, and have a 2nd D7000 coming tomorrow. I took it out yesterday and did notice when I got back and the images up on the computer that a higher than normal percentage were not pin sharp in the focus, which is unusual for me. I have a lifestyle shoot to do today, will obviousley have my D90 as a back up. So not sure if its an issue or just getting used to the new camera ?


Senior Member
Boy I can't believe this is still a issue with the D 7000, I have had mine now for well over a year and never once had that problem, or any other problem for that matter? I wonder if it's only certain ones sold in the U.S.? I bought mine here in Canada, not sure if anyone here in Canada has had this issue?


New member
Hello Everyone............I ordered a new D7000 from the B&H store about 3 weeks ago and it is backfocusing......It focused okay using Live View....... I tested it using a tripod in AF-S mode with a single center focus point and even a correction of -20 was not enough to fix the backfocus..........Anyways I sent the camera back and recieved another new D7000 camera 4 days ago and it is backfocusing the same exact way as the first camera I ordered....... I am getting ready to send this 2nd camera back sometime this week for another D7000 camera.....I will let everyone know if this 3rd camera is working properly.


Senior Member
Hello Everyone............I ordered a new D7000 from the B&H store about 3 weeks ago and it is backfocusing......It focused okay using Live View....... I tested it using a tripod in AF-S mode with a single center focus point and even a correction of -20 was not enough to fix the backfocus..........Anyways I sent the camera back and recieved another new D7000 camera 4 days ago and it is backfocusing the same exact way as the first camera I ordered....... I am getting ready to send this 2nd camera back sometime this week for another D7000 camera.....I will let everyone know if this 3rd camera is working properly.

The most I've ever adjusted was - 3. The D7000 is a fantastic camera. Don't give up hope. I lucked out with mine.

Willie C

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I'm afraid to upgrade to the D7000 for exactly this reason...

Seems every source with reviews experiences the same 50% or better failure rate...
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Senior Member
I have never heard of a camera recall, but, perhaps in some cases this would make sense. My D7000 has been great.

I am usually a manual focus type of person, but the D7000 has been so fast, so good, that I have been getting more lazy, and letting the camera work.

so, guess it becomes a luck of the draw,, good luck..


The Dude
I have never heard of a camera recall, but, perhaps in some cases this would make sense. My D7000 has been great.

I am usually a manual focus type of person, but the D7000 has been so fast, so good, that I have been getting more lazy, and letting the camera work.

so, guess it becomes a luck of the draw,, good luck..

I can't help but wonder when I read posts about multiple cameras needed more than +/- 20 whether or not the test is being performed properly. As an experimental chemist, I'm well aware of how easy it is to make mistakes when performing any test that needs perfect attention to detail. And this is not a slight to anyone in particular, rather it's an acknowledgment to the difficulty that properly testing your equipment can be. I can understand a one-off camera having a problem but multiple cameras in a row tend to make me a little skeptical.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Just curious Dave... What part makes you skeptical? The part that that many people can be wrong, or that Nikon can release a product with such a poor record? Apparently, many people are returning the product with images, and Nikon is confirming the problem by replacing the camera...


The Dude
Just curious Dave... What part makes you skeptical? The part that that many people can be wrong, or that Nikon can release a product with such a poor record? Apparently, many people are returning the product with images, and Nikon is confirming the problem by replacing the camera...

It seems to me that very few people are having their cameras "replaced", more typically their cameras are tested and are adjusted or more often found to be within specs and sent back to the buyer. The replacement cameras are generally not replaced by "Nikon", per se, but rather by the dealer trying to satisfy their customers. The examples where Nikon is involved almost never result in a new camera body.

In general, most of the people who are having these problems are very inexperienced with cameras, which raises the first red flag. There have been multiple professional photographers who have come out saying the problem is 95% operator error. Nasim Mansurov in particular has effectively shown that nearly all the complaints where due to lack of properly understanding the camera. As he states, there are certainly camera with issues but that % is about the same across all camera bodies and there's nothing that indicate the D7000 is more prone to AF issues than any other camera. The bulk of the problem seems to be the issues inherent with moving from a lower level resolution camera to a high resolution camera. These so-called "soft" or back-focused images, once down-sampled to a 9 or 12 mp image suddenly look much more acceptable. Moreover, lower quality lenses exacerbate this problem, as well as simple things like camera shake, slow shutter speeds, etc. So while I agree there are legitimate issues with some D7000 camera bodies, many of them go away when the operator adjusts their shooting habits to account for a high resolution camera.

Now if you want to mention the problem of oil on the sensor due to a problem during manufacturing, I'm in 100% agreement with you. This oil issue is a real one and Nikon has been great about fixing it without their normal "dirty sensors are not covered under the warranty" - knee jerk reaction.


Senior Member
I had 2 D7000 bodies that had focusing issues.... I sent it to Nikon for repairs FOUR TIMES and the issue was never resolved. Eventually, the camera was starting to not work when lenses were changed out so I got rid of it and bought a D800...

2 weeks after buying the d800, It just stopped working on me... In the middle of a session in front of a family... So embarrassing. took it back to Best buy, no one could get it to turn on... It just completely bricked up and never worked again. TWO WEEKS IN!! YIKES.

Best Buy was Awesome. they handed me another one on the spot, and restarted to 30 day warranty and my Best buy warranty..

Im so disappointed with Nikon...their service with my D7k was terrible they were rude, disrespectful and unhelpful

The D800 is amazing. I have loved the images it has produced... But wow, how scary is that for the camera to just completely quit working in front of paying clients... I have a wedding saturday Im scared to death it will happen again...since the serial numbers are very close...

I always hate to see folks who have had good luck with their cameras acting like its not possible for there to be issues with other peoples cameras.

I know they do exist........ And I have now had 3 nikon Lemon cameras...

Im hoping this d800 body is the one, because I love that camera

Good luck to all of you all having problems with yours.

Also.. Beware when sending your body in to take photos of the camera before you send it, because when I sent mine in the 3rd time.. Nikon kept my "Nikon" body cap, and returned it with a cheap ill fitting aftermarket one.. then the last time I sent it in they returned it with NO BODY CAP AT ALL!!! YIKES!!!


Senior Member
While I don't necessarily disagree that some problems may exist wiht some folks D7000 focusing properly, this is a shot I took last Saturday. I have done no lens tuning in the camera and the only PP I did was a little exposure adjustment, and noise removal. There is no sharpening in the image, it is out of the camera in that respect.

The full size image is on my flickr page

D7000, Sigma 150-500mm HSM OS @500mm, ISO 720, 1/1000, f/10, tripod


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Damn! Now that is what I call a good background. I can definitely see what it is about. And WGAF about the focus...A+... :)

And I forgot to mention the lighting is interesting too.